Double Post WTF this guys a noob!!
I cut the cartridge slot and now im making slot holder so i can get my case painted I will be mounting the c button and start button locks tomorow and adding the top piece of the joystick so it gets painted with the case..... cartridge slot holder will most likely be black and im still wondering what color to use on my case
Ill be ordering bp915s tomoro and the step up regulators are also being shipped for my screen
I was thinking instead of using 7805 regulators for dropping the bp915s to 5v that i could use a PTH08080W (more effecient) to drop it to the right voltage for going into the PTN step up regulator for 10.5 volts that will go into the screen and then from the screen i will run the 10.5 into another PTH08080W and drop to 3.3v for the n64.... this is a lot of work but it will be really worth it because my screen gets color dead on and works great
I also found a good 12v fan that runs good off of 10.5v so ill be running that of the screen line keeping airflow in my n64 its a really big fan too so I might be able to keep the stock heatsinks on Maybe.....If i have the funding I will buy vga heatsinks
As for regards to the L R and Z buttons I think i will place them on the top of the case towards the back its were my fingers rest and feels really comfy ....
Lots of stuff going on !!!Going to home depot for paint Hopefully ill have decided on a color by then then i can mount the buttons and wire them up...
Here are some pics! I found a good Speaker in the computer next to the fan Haha it wasnt even hooked up to anything!!
This is my cartslot holder (WIP) Fan and speaker
Better pic of Speaker... If you care that much....