The TAB64.


Frequent Poster
Finally a portable I will complete.

I have all the parts except the screen which is coming in the mail.
If you have a 3.5" screen you could sell me i would Appreciate it.
I am also looking for someone to make me a case so if you can make good cases pm me.

The n64 has a delocated cartslot and has the batteries wired up already.
The batteries are 2700mah but I will replace them with 5000mah batteries later on.
All that's left is to wire the screen,av out, and controller ports.

So the design is like a pda/tablet, no built in controls.

it will be acrylic with aluminum sides.
βeta said:
Have you ever used acrylic?
And lexan. I'm on the robotics team, and we use it for everything. I also have used it on 2 GCs, that modded Xbox, and I cut the cartslot cover for the original portendo 64 out of acrylic. I'm fine.
Ok so as I'm still waiting for the screen to come in i thought I would change the batteries out.
it is now 5000mah 11.1v
Mine is much more complex and likely never to happen, especially since I don't feel like even working on the 364 right now. :P