The Official MRTN Planning and Discussion Thread.


Breaker of Everything
Staff member
It's going to happen. This Summer. At my place.

MRTN is an *unoffical* ModRetro get-together in Chattanooga, TN. That doesn't mean I can't have the official thread of MRTN. I don't care what anyone says, as far as MRTN is concerned, this thread is official as *Can'tSayThisOnTV*.

First, we need to figure out what times are good for people and what people want to do.
Let's get to it.

If you're on the fence about wanting to be involved, Know that I will be there, and that's all the motivation anyone needs... not to go
Re: Official MRTN Planning and Discussion Thread.


A little info:
I will be working a the TN Aquarium this summer, so I *may* be able to get a good group rate figured out... I may even be able to get the place rented out so you guys make me have to go to work during MRTN.

As far as when, I would prefer it be in the month of June. Within that period, it's up to discussion.

Lodging would be offered at no cost at my place, or if you absolutely must have a hotel, I'll help you find one.

Food costs are up to discussion. We could split a bill and cook, or we could just have everyone bring extra money for food.

As far as other things to do in Chattanooga: We have all of the lookout mountain attractions, IE: SEE ROCK CITY! We could do that so you can say you've done it. There will also be a music festival at some point this summer, so depending on when people want to schedule, that could very well be an option.
Re: Official MRTN Planning and Discussion Thread.

Well flights from my city to Chattanooga are around 400 bucks. I could save up some money by then, though. As far as food costs go, I'd be down for cooking. Also, what tools do you have at your house? It'd be nice to do something semi-productive while there.
Re: Official MRTN Planning and Discussion Thread.

I have a dremmel a corded jigsaw; a cordless drill, circ saw, and sawsall; soldering iron, desoldering iron, random hand tools, etc. As far as electronics go, I'm relatively limited, but for carpentry and casework, I can definitely make something happen.

Depending on how your schedule works and what you drive, it may be better for you to drive and grab a couple of people along the way. We know 2 other people that could be enroute for you are interested in coming, so If you could afford the extra 2 days off, that could work out rather well. $400 between 3+ people is a lot better than $400 by yourself.
Re: Official MRTN Planning and Discussion Thread.

I currently have 17 n64s and about five controllers. If I can make it, flaxs going down.
Re: Official MRTN Planning and Discussion Thread.

I could probably do the drive. If you were up to it, flights to Memphis are dirt cheap and 200 bucks less but you would have to drive 2 hours. Also I would need a solid daye as to when. And where do you live again, Bud?
He's about 4 hours from Memphis, If you are where I think, it may be better to grab Afro and drive through Jackson and Tuscaloosa to get up to Chattanooga.

I'm about 6 hours from Memphis and about 8 from Jackson.
If I drive yeah. I live in Houston and I can get to Fro in about 4 hours or so. I will just need a definitive date for this to work out. I have to take off work.
Hmm, I'm about 2 hours from Chattanooga. I wouldn't mind joining if there's some interesting going on :)
Alright, so this is going to have to happen on a not a weekend.

June 8-16 is out of the running

I'm leaving July 13-15 out just in case

How does July 17-19 sound?
It's a Tuesday - Thursday
Gotta talk to the woman about skipping town for a few days. Pretty sure I'll make this though. My birthdays smack dab in the middle of the dates Tim listed. Party much? :D
I can do whenever, really. Except May 30 - June 3rd or so. but since those dates aren't even listed, it doesn't matter.
So I've pretty much decided on July 17-19.
Yeah. I need to talk to my boss still, though. Yay lazy me.

So People that I think are planning to come:


People that have expressed interest:


People that we are going to make come whether they like it or not:

Neil Degrasse Tyson

People 100% guaranteed to be there:


Stuff that will happen:
Being awesome
Soldering iron death grip contest
Some form of video game playing, I'm sure

Stuff that could happen:
Creepy stares from a Furby
Rock City/Incline/Ruby Falls/Zip Lines
Grabbing a car battery and an inverter; modding in a popular park. Like bosses.
Hang Gliding
White Water Rafting
Debates of whether or not the Union were a bunch of commie reds as we look at civil war flax
Stuff I haven't thought of
Eating good food

So... Updating the list:

People 100% will be there:
your mother

People that have made arrangements to go:

People that Plan to go:

People that have expressed interest in going:

People that want to go, but can't:

People that won't get my address, even if they pay me:
If you're reading this, YOU are the reason I have a POBox

I even color coded it because I'm bored and don't want to work on my laptop right now.

Also, I've recently decided to be a vegan, without putting forth any research on how to properly balance a vegan diet, and plan to force my vegan menu of lettuce and broccoli upon everyone else that attends.

your mother said:
ttsgeb is amazing in bed

