The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game)

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Hey everyone,

This is a secret :ninj: game I have been working on for several months for Shock Slayer. No money was asked, no portables were traded - I just did it for you all the fellow modders across all the forums on the net for you guys to enjoy a game based around all of our commical humor :cry:

Anyway, here is a DEMO Video.

(However, be sure to expect a few others besides Shock Slayer ;))

It can also be found on my site:


- Haunted360
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Not going to lie to you, the graphics look like flax. None of them go together. The particles on the title screen are a little un-needed and out of place. The 8-bit menu and the glowing, alpha channeled particles do not go together. I guess what little of an "engine" you showed us is good, a simple menu and a walking animation.

What language are you programming this in?
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

I want to love this, I really do, but can't atm. :/
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Haha, I want to tell a girl that. "I want to love you, I really do, but I can't atm :/"
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Ampersand said:
Haha, I want to tell a girl that. "I want to love you, I really do, but I can't atm :/"
I HAVE told a girl that...
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Emailed you some of my thoughts, but for sheer lulzyness I approve of this game.
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

SS, he's portraying you as fat "haters gonna hate"-walking character.
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Ampersand said:
Not going to lie to you, the graphics look like flux. None of them go together. The particles on the title screen are a little un-needed and out of place. The 8-bit menu and the glowing, alpha channeled particles do not go together. I guess what little of an "engine" you showed us is good, a simple menu and a walking animation.

What language are you programming this in?
Yea, it will change probably a little. Like the menu text and all. This was just to get the code ready, and the graphics not.

But THANK YOU for the feedback!

And I am programming it in Gamemaker 7 (GML. Which is similar to C++. Pretty N0oby, but it does the job in a slow and hard painfully way on your computers precessing power. I HATE Gamemaker, but it is all I can do ATM, as I am going next year to UNI to learn C++ and Game Dev.)

ShockSlayer said:
Emailed you some of my thoughts, but for sheer lulzyness I approve of this game.
Thanks! Great to hear that you like it. I mean, the above comment does not really - so is there anything you would like me to do in the menu?

Ampersand said:
SS, he's portraying you as fat "haters gonna hate"-walking character.
He not fat, thats hot glue :dahroll:

Thanks for the comments!
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

ok this is not a game, it's a poorly animated walk cycle made in flash that isn't even equaly timed
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Me thinks you should program this in gm for now and make a sequal in C++... BECAUSE IT IS SO MUCH MORE POWER!!!
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Thecawesomeone said:
Me thinks you should program this in gm for now and make a sequal in C++... BECAUSE IT IS SO MUCH MORE POWER!!!

Thats my idea. I have my LAME games in Gamemaker that I hope to port over into C# or C++. So if I can build something decent in this, then that would be cool.

Gamemaker sucks, because if I release this game how it is to you for example - the amount of memory it takes is 126 MB!!!!!!

Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Haunted360 said:
Ampersand said:
What language are you programming this in?
And I am programming it in Gamemaker 7 (GML. Which is similar to C++. Pretty N0oby, but it does the job in a slow and hard painfully way on your computers precessing power. I HATE Gamemaker, but it is all I can do ATM, as I am going next year to UNI to learn C++ and Game Dev.)
No, quite alright. For serious projects I tend to use Visual C++.Net, but for hobby projects and fun little bits Gamemaker is pretty slick. It's nice to quickly be able to test code, rapid prototyping and all that jazz.

Haunted360 said:
Thecawesomeone said:
Gamemaker sucks, because if I release this game how it is to you for example - the amount of memory it takes is 126 MB!!!!!!


If your game is taking 128MB just to run, simple as it is in it's current state, you're doing something wrong. And if you mean it takes up 128MB of storage, you're doing something wrong-er.
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Video editing. I really need to get more RAM- it goes up to like 1.6GB (out of ~2GB) and then crashes. *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing Premiere Elements.

This is a good idea, even if it is GM and done for the lulz. By the way, ShockSlayer is one word. From here it could become a decent little game or just become crap.
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

XCVG said:
Video editing. I really need to get more RAM- it goes up to like 1.6GB (out of ~2GB) and then crashes. Linking Premiere Elements.

This is a good idea, even if it is GM and done for the lulz. By the way, ShockSlayer is one word. From here it could become a decent little game or just become crap.

Well I will change it all to one word now.

And yea, I have TONS of ideas, such as

- Ben Heck is the boss, floating on a CNC machine throwing wii controllers and N64's...
- Shockslayer (one word - haha) has a hot glue gun that is not plugged in, so the cable is waving behind him...
- He also has a flame thrower as you know...
- There is a combo system that will utilize the 'shock sword' in a swinging rage of madness...

I have hundreds of ideas!

Even the enemy's - all of them, are based around various people form forums!

The only hard thing that is annoying, is the programming. It takes FOR EVER, in Gamemaker.

Ampersand said:

If your game is taking 128MB just to run, simple as it is in it's current state, you're doing something wrong. And if you mean it takes up 128MB of storage, you're doing something wrong-er.

Nope. Nothing wrong. That is Gamemaker for you :wtf:

It is the nightmare of all game development tools, yet I am so used to it.

I wanted to make it in UNITY, but I don't know JavaScript too well yet for the game Dev. aspect.

Anyway, I will keep at this game!

I will not let you down!!!

If you can program in GML, maybe help us out a bit then? As long as you don't steel my work and claim it as you own :confused:
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Actually the sword should be in the opposite direction:


Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Hahaha bruno.

He's right, tbh. Change the strap direction.
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Haunted360 said:
Ampersand said:

If your game is taking 128MB just to run, simple as it is in it's current state, you're doing something wrong. And if you mean it takes up 128MB of storage, you're doing something wrong-er.

Nope. Nothing wrong. That is Gamemaker for you :wtf:
You are retarded, or doin it wrong.
Re: The Legend of: Shock Slayer (Shock Slayer the Video Game

Looks like flax.

Don't expect much.

You're doing everything wrong.
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