The Legend of MR.

βeta said:

Beta, take this down. Please.
Uh, I don't know, because it's demeaning and you're basically using his image without consent. Most of the time people are okay with photoshops like that, but when they aren't it's probably best to take it down. How would you like it if he did that to you?

On the other hand, he was kind of a jerk to US...
XCVG said:
Uh, I don't know, because it's demeaning and you're basically using his image without consent. Most of the time people are okay with photoshops like that, but when they aren't it's probably best to take it down. How would you like it if he did that to you?

On the other hand, he was kind of a jerk to US...

Using images without consent is what modretro is all about.

If you post it on the internet, it's fair game, and there isn't flax you can do about it.

If someone truly has an issue they will ask the person through PM and if they don't comply then they can contact the staff through PM

Also, get back on topic.

ShockSlayer said:
XCVG said:
Uh, I don't know, because it's demeaning and you're basically using his image without consent. Most of the time people are okay with photoshops like that, but when they aren't it's probably best to take it down. How would you like it if he did that to you?

On the other hand, he was kind of a jerk to US...

Using images without consent is what modretro is all about.

If you post it on the internet, it's fair game, and there isn't flux you can do about it.

If someone truly has an issue they will ask the person through PM and if they don't comply then they can contact the staff through PM

Also, get back on topic.

Which is probably why he didn't didn't want to put it up for so long
ShockSlayer said:
Using images without consent is what modretro is all about.

If you post it on the internet, it's fair game, and there isn't flux you can do about it.


Want me to post the picture of you as a pimp with your ho? Thought not. :wink:
That is an epic story SS! I still remeber all that stuff. Also, anyone remeber the Email Palmer sent out when they were still forming ModRetro?
DJ711 said:
That is an epic story SS! I still remeber all that stuff. Also, anyone remeber the Email Palmer sent out when they were still forming ModRetro?

I remember that. It seems so long ago...