the joetendo64 ~updated march 27~


Frequent Poster
well some of you may know me from BH, finally decided to sign up here lol
some specs:
-5" PSone/Zenith LCD LED modded of course :P
-8500mAh 7.4v Li-pos 4 cells
-gonna use a zn-45 for the case

from what i see i should be able to get a good 6 1/2-7 hours of gameplay?
slimmed down the board already and relocated the cart slot, it's pretty messy but i think i did a decent job for my first cart slot relocation!

comparison to a gamecube board

messy cart slot relocation

the N64 board compared to my hand

but when i tested it today i got this
post on benheck forums :P said:
ok so i wired up the original power plug back to the board after trimming it, connected the pins to there respective spot on the board (12v to 12v, GND to GND, and 3.3v to 3.3v) put an LED on the 3.3v before turning on the console to make sure the power supply was working, which it was, then turned the console on. when i turned it on i put the LED on the 3.3v line again, the response.. nothing. this has happened to me twice today and the power supply just goes into "sleep mode", what could be causing this?
well thats it for now, gotta wait til Christmas for my screen cause its one of my presents -.- same with the batteries, already got a protection circuit
Re: first N64p :D

Looking good so far.

Joeyjoe9876 said:
well thats it for now, gotta wait til Christmas for my screen cause its one of my presents -.- same with the batteries, already got a protection circuit

Don't you hate that? I'm getting a new soldering iron for christmas, (a decent one..) So i've been trying to wait until then to continue with my projects.
Re: first N64p :D

thanks, and yeah lol, i was originally going to use the case for my GCp but decided not to so now i got this huge gap from where the left side of the controller was in the case.. don't feel like filling it in so once i get my screen i'll do it, also got a huge gap in the back from where the disc drive was :rofl:
might as well put case pics up tomorrow now that i said that huh?
Re: first N64p :D

Joeyjoe9876 said:
thanks, and yeah lol, i was originally going to use the case for my GCp but decided not to so now i got this huge gap from where the left side of the controller was in the case.. don't feel like filling it in so once i get my screen i'll do it, also got a huge gap in the back from where the disc drive was :rofl:
might as well put case pics up tomorrow now that i said that huh?

yes. pix. nao!!
Re: first N64p :D

case pics :D ignore those giant holes, they will be patched..

also that screen hole in the middle was from when i was going to use a 3.5" screen but i fried it accidentally.. so when i get my PSone screen i will patch that up..
ok so i figured out my problem isn't the power supply, i tested it with my spare 7.4v battery i got and it went into a "sleep mode" as well for about 40 sec. which means i messed something up on the board :cry4:
so i think after christmas with the money i get from family i might pick up a few n64's so i can continue with this. i will still try to figure out the problem on mine though!
Re: first N64p :D

ok, i'm putting this on hold until i finish my NES/SNESp because i've already gone through 2 N64's :cry4: and i don't have the money to replace them.
so all my christams stuff that i got for my N64p is most likely going towards a retro duo portable :/
Re: first N64p :D

ok after a long break and some more knowledge of circuitry from my electronics course i am bringing this back from the dead :awesome:

also i am going to attempt an RCP soldered cart slot to try to make this as small as possible. my only question that i don't feel like looking up is, the two capacitors on the top side of the n64 board by the power brick, are those needed?
Re: first N64p :D

They arn't needed, and as someone who's RCP wired before I highly recommend not doing it unless absolutely necessary you will probably end up wasting money if you rcp wire
Re: first N64p :D

well i didn't actually pay for the n64 board i have right now, got it from a friend who didn't want it so if i mess up it won't really matter too much

edit: also does anyone remember where that RCP pinout was? its a little too late for me to trace the pins :sweat:
Re: N64p needs name.

not completely sure, i may just vac-form one

edit: oh wow.. i was looking at my first post on this thread and noticed that i never bridged the reset button on my first board.. that would be why it didn't work... also that board was cut horribly lol, i managed to do that with wire cutters :dahroll:
this time i actually used a dremel
Re: N64p needs name.

Actually, it's not necessary to bridge the reset switch. It's normally open, connecting a pin of the PIF chip (I forget which) to ground when pressed.
Re: N64p needs name.

hmm ok lol, guess i'm just used to the consoles with the reset switches that allow the current to flow until the reset button is pushed abstracting the current causing the console to "reset" but we all know that so why am i posting this :dah:

also could someone get me a scan of the cart slot area? i have already trimmed my board so i can't trace it much.. also if you could remove the small layer of paint on the top of the board so the traces are easier to see that would be nice!