The difference between parallel and series


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Knowing the difference between parallel wiring and series wiring is important, and relatively easy.

Parallel is when you wire all the negatives and all the positives of like components together, for this example we will use batteries. You can also do the same with resistors, capacitors, and many other things. If the components have no polarity, they can still be wired in series.

Series is when you wire the negative of one component to the positive of the other, or if you have more, just keep going as shown in the pic. In series and parallel you will always end up with one negative connection and one positive connection, although in parallel it will be a common connection between all the components while in series it will be two connections only connected to one component each.

Here's a nifty diagram to explain:


The top is parallel, the bottom is series.
All batteries in this diagram are 1.5v 50 mAh.

The bottom set will give 6v at 50 mAh, the top 1.5v at 200 mAh.

In series you add volts, in parallel you add amps.

I will replace this pic later, don't have time now.