Tempo problem on DMG and Camera.

When I go to record a song off of my DMG with a Game Boy Camera after a few measures in Garage band I notice it's running a slight amount faster. Can anyone shed some light on this issue for me?
It makes it very difficult to add software instruments that follow the tempo you have the recording set at. Yes they are both set at the same tempo. Lol:)
that's a pretty dumb question

seriously? grow up, caps.

as for you, Justin, im not quite sure what you are trying to do. are you recording music from your DMG (GBO for the retarded) to garage band, or the other way around? :o
I was recording from my DMG with Trippy-H to Garage Band.
The Gameboy Camera is slightly off time.
WHat I was actually hoping for was is someone knew if I could change the clock to one that would make it right on time.
But I'm worried about it anymore.