Tchay's Ccube UPDATE FEB 22nd, 2011p2p

Re: Tchay's Ccube __% complete

Jidan said:
ShockSlayer said:
Never work when you just woke up, and never work when your tired.


I got 8 hours of work on my N64p starting when I just got out of bed :P
...And now its totally *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ed and you're selling it. :P

Sorry to hear that you have a real life. Must suck. XD
Re: Tchay's Ccube __% complete

Basement_Modder said:
Jidan said:
ShockSlayer said:
Never work when you just woke up, and never work when your tired.


I got 8 hours of work on my N64p starting when I just got out of bed :P
...And now its totally *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ed and you're selling it. :P

Sorry to hear that you have a real life. Must suck. XD

It all worked until my batteries crapped out somehow! Dx 4 days later, too!
Re: Tchay's Ccube __% complete

My computer has been murdered by viruses. I'm using my moms for now. I'll be lucky to get any of the pics off of mine tho. :/

I have all the parts and guts. mobo is 100$ complete with custom heatsink and slimmage all done. Just need to wire it up. Batteries will fit (barely). battery life will be no more than 1.5hr. I'm using Daftmike's low LED circuit.

The case needs about 3 more weeks of sanding, filling, and painting. Vents have been installed. This whole "full moon" thing has pretty much effed everything up. LA is a total hellhole right now. I even witnessed a major car crash as I was sitting in traffic, idiot old man didn't look for on coming traffic :ugh:

I decided to do some more work on my 2nd and 3rd portables. the 2nd one is looking nice. I finally have a prototype cardboard case of my 3rd GCP as well. You are welcome to post this on modretro.

Tchay on Facebook.
Re: Tchay's Ccube __% complete

Sucks about the battery life. Hopefully he'll be able to get something done eventually
Re: Tchay's Ccube __% complete

It's tiny, that's why. I've seen it. Trust me, it's worth it.
Re: Tchay's Ccube __% complete

I'm sure it will be, but in my personal opinion, like I've said before, I'd prefer one with a big screen that's comfortable to hold. I wonder if Tchay can get it as small as techknotts :P
Re: Tchay's Ccube __% complete

It's not too small until it's uncomfortable to play.

There are N64 remakes on the DS, that play FINE on such tiny LCDs.
So long as the screen is of a good quality and the resolution is a true 480, then it will be fine down to quite small sizes.
Re: Tchay's Ccube __% complete

I'm not concerned about the screen (that's a lie), it really depends on the thickness of the portable for me.
Re: Tchay's Ccube __% complete

What the Heck does that even mean and why did you bump this topic with such jibberjabber?
Re: Tchay's Ccube __% complete

Jidan said:
What the Heck does that even mean and why did you bump this topic with such jibberjabber?
you know, you could use that reply with every post this guy makes, and it would fit perfectly. :dahroll:
Re: Tchay's Ccube __% complete

samjc3 said:
Jidan said:
What the Heck does that even mean and why did you bump this topic with such jibberjabber?
you know, you could use that reply with every post this guy makes, and it would fit perfectly. :dahroll:
Jidan said:
What the Heck does that even mean and why did you bump this topic with such jibberjabber?
Re: Tchay's Ccube 100% complete

Ccube dimensions:

Body: 1.5 x 5.25 x 7
Screen extrusion: .5 x 2.5 x 4.125
Controller extrusion(left): .5 x 1.5 x 3
Controller extrusion(right): .5 x 1.5 x 3
L extrusion: .75 x 1 x 1
R extrusion: .75 x 1 x 1

≈ 66.281in cubed