Tayda Electronics


GameCube Révolutionary
This website is *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing awesome


They have pictures of EVERY single component they sell along with datasheets, and their prices are super cheap along with reasonable shipping prices to the US.

I just made an order that had I gone to Ratshack or somewhere else would have cost me $150 easy. $23 from these guys. Just throwing this out there, I know people love mouser and digikey but this place seems like a good alternate for people like me who like pictures of what they're buying.
Woah. This could be very very fantastic! I guess it remains to be seen if their parts are quality and their shipping is fast, but it looks awesome.
Let us know how the quality is- ordering from Asia, I'm always worried it's secretly some super-cheapo broken POS.

That said, I'm hopeful. I love when places have ACTUAL PICTURES of what you're buying. I want to see it before you ship it.
ACTUAL PICTURES. This site instantly beats digikey (my previous go-to) for this reason alone. Hoping this turns out good.
My stuff came in the mail today, shipping was an insane amount faster than I thought it would be. Everything looks just like pictured on their site, and while I haven't actually used any of the components yet they all look like the same high quality stuff you'd expect from mouser or digikey.

Highly recommended. :D
I ordered a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ton of things to make a power supply. After I make the power supply I'll post on how it works.
Just wanted to say, I put in a second order to these guys for some stuff I forgot the first time. Prices and shipping time were just as good if not better than the first order. The stuff was on my doorstep in less than a week, which is fantastic considering all the other flax I've bought that comes from china has taken weeks if not months to show up, if at all.

These guys rock.
I got everything in. I've yet to make what I plan on making because I'm waiting on stuff from other sources to come in, but it looks all pretty much just like what I bought. I'll buy from them again. It took less than a week, just as Ashen's order, and that was with their standard shipping. If only DX was this fast. I ordered two things last month and am still waiting on them.
Looks neat. Be careful ordering complex ICs from overseas though. Often, a lot of saught-after chips lead to many fake imitations. A bad case is the MOS 6581, also known as the SID chip from the Commodore 64. Often old, erroneously produced factory mistakes are rebranded as brand new chips - they are brand new, just defective! Worse, sometimes they just repaint completely different chips as 6581s, like PROMs, or in the worst case, sell you an empty DIP package!