T-Berg's Brick64

Really, you're calling it the Brick64? When it could be...

T-Berg's BrixtyFour

Portmanteaus, man!
Aux said:
Really, you're calling it the Brick64? When it could be...

T-Berg's BrixtyFour

Portmanteaus, man!
Make it better, call it the BrixtyFource.

We'll use it as a base unit of measurement when defining portability-to-window-breaking ability.

1 Kid
1 Job which could be 2 normal jobs
1 flaxty house which need a lot of work
=Very little time left

Good thing bud could take a commission :)
Didn't have much time today. I did get the tacts for the shoulder buttons mounted and I got the board running off of two ti regulators. I used a second one to replace the on board 7805 so I can run a step up off of the 5v line for the screen. Plus it's more efficient.
Thanks man. :)

I forgot to mention that he will be adding a cart slot cover once he gets it. Hopefully he'll make a video of it too. It's a pretty slick unit
Bud does awesome work:)
Thanks for the assembly!
I got more work for you if you still want to.
I have absolutely no spare time the next half a year at least.
And multiple projects that is just missing assembling.
Got to go. Have to pour some concrete!