Yeah, the first beta should get you through world 2, I'm hoping if all goes well, it should get you to world 3, only the first level or something like that.
So there was some kind of a file corruption while I was inserting music, and the ROM died. I can still get into the map files, I have the level files saved, and I have the music. SMW Second Edition will live! We might be looking at a minor set back for the beta 1 release, it is supposed to be done tomorrow, but it might be coming Thursday, depending on how much I can transfer over in one day.
Yeah, sorry it won't be coming until Saturday at least, I went out of town, pretty suddenly, and didn't bring my laptop with me, which is where the files are, so it set me back like 3 days of work.
This game will be finished. I'll start working on it after I've got the first two betas of PKMN MR out. I've been working on that along with my portables.