Summer break


Probably SS
is here. :awesome:

Anyone got plans, projects, places to go, ect?

I graduated 11th grade today, no summer school for me.


My dad gave me 24 sticks of epoxy for passing. ::3:

Usually I get really bored during summer break, but I actually have a project this time.
Off to Holland to interview a dutch biologist for my degree. Best of all, Uni's paying me £330 to do it :D
I have today off, monday off, and friday is technically my last day of scool, but we have our SENIOR TRIP!!!
11th grade Passed. :D

I got 24 sticks of nothing for passing. ::3:

I did however, get a full paid trip to SGC with my friend for the July 4th weekend, with a free shirt and $150 spending money. :D
I've been out of school for 3 weeks now. :cool:

I got a Dremel for passing the 9th grade with high honors. :awesome:

My untitled SNESp will be done before summer is over. I promise.
I've yet to get anything from my parents. Lolol. I got like 285 bucks so far from other family members (I graduated high school yesterday)
I've got a N64p to work on. As well as a 360 lappy if I'm lucky.

I'm done with school on the 18th.

I've gotten over 400 for my birthday though.
Who ever wants to come to my house for a couple weeks tell me.
I can pay for one person to come fly here and back.
If Kickback says he wants to then he will.
He is the top brit around these here forums.
My summer break begins on Wednesday. I am going to attempt to get a job at the native horseless carriage fuel despository, as I turn 18 on the 18th. I will eventually make a portable with the money I get from the natives.
βeta said:
I've been on Summer break for a whole year, at this point. High five.
Make that two years for meh. Which reminds me, with hailrazer gone, I think that makes me the second oldest on the site. :lol:

βeta said:
I didn't get anything for graduating HS.
I here you there. Car? Yeah right. Money? Hah. A pat on the back and getting a job to make ends meet? WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD. :pirate: