My First GCp Project!

The_Next_Guy said:
One is eprom(Pm25L9010 CE1345 HDF2NL5) another is an Atmel MCU(ATMEL316 24C16N SU27 D) and the other I have no idea.
The last one is surely a voltage regulator.

Depending on what happens when you change the volume in the screen's menu, you might be able to connect a digital potentiometer to it and use that to control the volume of your amplifier. That could get rather complicated and I'm not sure it would even work; it's possible that the volume control doesn't do anything at all. They might have just used the same code to program the board from a similar screen that does have audio capabilities.

Did some work on the design and figured out a name for this project.

First the work on the design:

I drew up the measurements of the case to scale and wanted to get some second opinions on the sets I have to choose from for controllers.


First, the original buttons. Only thing I'm worried with this set is the fact that the buttons and analog sticks will need the portable to be deeper and add thickness along with it.

Secondly, using official 3DS slider caps and buttons. Probably my favorite set since it gives an authentic "nintendo could've made this" feel to it in my opinion. Only downside is the buttons feel a lot smaller.

And lastly, using PSP slider caps and Wii U Gamepad buttons. This is basically the same as the last set just to give the buttons and sliders a bigger feel.

If any one has any suggestions as to which controller set I should use, I'm all ears. I'd be ok with any of them and I cant choose.

Anyways, down to buisness. After spending a whopping 20 minutes at the dinner table thinking of a name I thought of a cool one.


The Dolphin Mobilized Game Cube

I thought it was pretty cool but I just thought about if the name is already taken. So if anyone knows please tell me.

I'm doing more design work at the moment trying to fit things into a 5" by 7" box to see if it will all work. Thinking about skipping batteries for this and making a giant battery pack out of the original power brick. Other than that might be awhile before big progress starts to come.
Hey! You made a work log! Awesome! I have an alternative I just thought of that you may want to consider using. In the link below, you'll find a bluetooth android controller. This controller has full range analog sticks that work perfectly for the Gamecube. The best thing is that they're tiny and don't take up a lot of space at all. I've used them in one of the portables I made a year ago and I would use them again in any small portable Gamecube that I decide to make in the future. ... teelseries
RedmagnusX said:
Hey! You made a work log! Awesome! I have an alternative I just thought of that you may want to consider using. In the link below, you'll find a bluetooth android controller. This controller has full range analog sticks that work perfectly for the Gamecube. The best thing is that they're tiny and don't take up a lot of space at all. I've used them in one of the portables I made a year ago and I would use them again in any small portable Gamecube that I decide to make in the future. ... teelseries
That's an awesome find!
Would I be able to wire up the analog sticks themeselves to the GC controller board or would I only be able to use the caps?
You can wire them straight to the GC controller board with no modification whatsoever. They function exactly like the full size sticks.
I'd really love to get some second opinions on the button sets that I have to choose from. And I'd also like to add that I could use the buttons from a white Wii Classic controller and print the casing white.
legofan623 said:
I would do classic controller buttons because they're bigger, and arrange them in a GameCube layout.

I agree with this as well. A combination of the small thumb sticks from the controller I linked to and the classic controller buttons will be low profile and therefore space saving.
RedmagnusX said:
legofan623 said:
I would do classic controller buttons because they're bigger, and arrange them in a GameCube layout.

I agree with this as well. A combination of the small thumb sticks from the controller I linked to and the classic controller buttons will be low profile and therefore space saving.
Could you possibly give me the measurements of the sticks and maybe how big they are compared to the ones on a classic controller? I think I'm going to go with using those plus the buttons from the wii u gamepad. Now al I'm trying to chose is what color the case should be.
Lucky for you that I just so happen to have both on hand. I measured both from the base to the top of the dome shaped part of the thumb stick cap. The sticks from that steelseries controller are 11mm in height and the sticks from the classic controller are 17mm. This is a HUGE difference just look at the picture below. You can go with whatever you'd like, but if you want small and low profile, you're gonna have to go with either the 3ds analog sliders or the thumb sticks from that controller. Personally, I am not a fan of the 3ds analogs as I feel that they do not feel natural when used with Gamecube games. This is why I spent many hours of looking for an alternative and eventually found the controller I linked to.

Those look great! How big of a hole should I make for them?

Now here's the deal breaker for me. Are the tops of the analogs hard plastic or rubber?
Unfortunately, I won't be able to continue work on this project because of my junior year of school going up. :(
But fear not! Since I still want to have a portable to use, I have decided to trade the parts I have on hand, along with some other things, for a working N64p/GCp/Wiip.

Here is the junkyard post.

I do have a feeling that I will be back again for a project that will be less time consuming, maybe a SNESp build! So watch out for that before the end of the year.