snowpenguin's ps2p worklog


Frequent Poster
So I decided a few weeks ago to do something with my summer and make a PS2p. Got a datamax and a psone screen and a ps2 slim, started on it with the casing, but after filling some case holes on the outside and putting the screen bezel in, kinda stopped working.

Got back to it yesterday, got all the controls epoxied puttied in, after sanding today/tomorrow it'll be ready for some paint and primer, then I just gotta get some batteries and a controller and some rubber tacts for it.

No está mal mi amigo.

No está mal.

Buena Suerte.

Usted debería elevar la parte de pantalla :? Será difícil para encajar.
Dunno, will figure out when the time comes. They'll be tall tacts, so they can go pretty much anywhere.

What's the analog button even do?
Dood, just post in english. :/

The google translation doesn't make any sense, and I don't know spanish.

It's an annoying nuisance to have to translate anyway :/
"over your body, penguin"

I have no clue what you meant in your second to last post. Just type in english, for *Can'tSayThisOnTV*'s sake, there's no point annoying us all and making yourself u-understandable to a good large portion of us.
Lo arreglé anterior. Google Traductor es malo de todos modos. Yo no estoy usando. :?

Voy a dejar de hablar en español a las 8:00. En 30 minutos.
God Dangit jidan, other translators don't make any sense of it either, why the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* are you doing this?
:wink: I'm practicing before school gets back in. :P

What I was saying was that with the screen that low, it'll be taking up more space on the inside. Which doesn't matter if you think you can fit everything in there, which would be good. I'm barely able to fit a Gamecube in that case with another 7/8" space. But if you can do it, awesome :)
OH, you mean why it isn't raised up above the front. It'll be fine, as long as the screen and controls stay within the front half, everything will fit. And they will, it'll be fine. Besides, the ps2 has only 1 mobo, and very thin.
sadly yes. If i had a 770xx series i could use hdconnect and put it inside the case, but i dont, so it will have to go on the back. Luckily it's thin so it won't be too bad even after the disc cover.

In case anyone didn't notice, that's an n64 d pad :P the stock ps2 one sucks for portablizing, it's too Segay to make work in my experience with it.
Don't expect terribly much. i still need batteries and a third party controller, and i need to fix all the cracks between case parts that have formed. stupid mighty putty....