Shiny Controllers!


:tophat: Hello MR! been a while since i have posted but i think this might make up for it, one of my friends recently had a birthday so as a present i made him a led modded DualShock 2 :D i also have made two led mod n64 controllers (one of which i already posted) so here they are!

















i hope the images arent too big cuz on the monitor im on right now i cant tell :sweat:
also if you like my work enough i am accepting commisions so pm me if u are interested!
(wow do i sound cocky ^^^^^^^^^^^ :shock: :awesome: )
How much money would you charge for a commission? Like if I sent you the controller?
This is awesome, and really awesome. I also have to say that this is pretty awesome. Oh! almost forgot to say that this is awesome! (I get so sidetracked sometimes :lol: )
It would be really cool if you somehow made the whole thing light up, like you make it near opaque so the whole controller looks lit up all over and spreads the light around
geno whirl said:
It would be really cool if you somehow made the whole thing light up, like you make it near opaque so the whole controller looks lit up all over and spreads the light around
hmmm...i bet if i got the right paint and maybe even some EL wire that might be possible...or a bunch of those tiny leds that palmer used in his DS mod...sounds fun :twisted:
Geno, I'm honestly not sure, but you could try glass frosting paint, then a clearcoat over that :P
Also, various types of paper diffuse nicely if you're that much on the cheap :P

You could also shove random mirrors everywhere to capture light from the LED(s) and reflect them in various other places.
That last idea is just retarded, lol.

You'll want to get a bunch of diffused leds or diffuse them yourself, frost the controller shell, and put them inside at good points to spread the light evenly.
snowpenguin said:
You'll want to get a bunch of diffused leds or diffuse them yourself, frost the controller shell, and put them inside at good points to spread the light evenly.
-1 :dah: that's the jist of what I said a post ago.

And I think mirrors wouldn't be a bad idea.