robm's SPL (Sony Playstation Laptop)


Billy Mays
Staff member
Now that I'm moved, and I cannot find my OBDp project ANYWHERE yet, I shall announce my PS2 laptop, the SPL.

My goal with this project is to create a laptop that Sony would have envisioned and built during the time period. I have a Toshiba laptop case that I will be using. Here are my planned features:

Built-in PS2 eyetoy
Internal hard drive, for game storage. I am uncertain whether this laptop will have a functional CD drive.
Wireless controller support
Integrated keyboard (possibly using the one the laptop came with)
Screen size - Unknown. Using the LCD the laptop came with is likely out of the question. Looking for suggestions.
PS2 phat hardware architecture for speed of hard drive loading
Retainment of ethernet and USB support
Internal batteries. I refuse to make this thing have to be ran off of wall power.

The case:

The LCD screen and housing:

One major disadvantage to this project is that it's going to be a heavy sonofaSega.
Yep, that's why I needed a PS2 phat. Slim versions do support a hard drive through USB when using HDLoader, but it's very slow.

I need to find out if a laptop hard drive would work with HDLoader.
Largest as absolutely possible, though I'm going to need some room to get the eyetoy in. Either one of those would probably work just fine.
PS2 model 7000X models have soldering points for an ide hdd, but it's pretty Dang hard to get solder everything. They have some little pcb on ebay that you can easily solder on and connect to a hdd, using mods on the ps2 to use the hdd for backups and such. Ask raizer04 about it, he looked into it. (He also has a link to the one listing on ebay for the thing)
I actually own the ps3 screen. It's alright. But the backlight died out on it after I opened it. :gonk:

Glad to finally see another playstation fan. I thought everyone was strictly for nintendo here.
zeturi said:
I actually own the ps3 screen. It's alright. But the backlight died out on it after I opened it. :gonk:

Glad to finally see another playstation fan. I thought everyone was strictly for nintendo here.

Not really a Playstation fan, but I am an XBOX fan. Nintendo used to be good, but not anymore IMO.

Anyway, if you want big, maybe an LCD TV or monitor? Kind of expensive though.
Yeah, I would want something in the 10" range; nothing higher than that, though, I don't think.
Yo Robm, I think I've found a nice keyboard for you. It comes as a controller like this:


But slides right off and is like this:


The keyboard section uses a usb connector, and the controller still plugs into the controller port. I think I might've found a nice keyboard for some new more mods, it'd pretty comfortable. The keyboard is 10.5x5.5 inches (so not full size). Nice'n compact.
I found mine at a flea market for $10. But I can't find any on ebay, and on amazon it's $35 for the cheapest one. Argh! I thought this was a common accessory! ... 985&sr=8-2

The name of it is "Netplay Keyboard." I've scoured ebay with no luck at all. Only amazon seems to carry it. I'll keep an eye out for one; if I find one I'll PM you a link to it.
My vision for this project is to make the laptop look like what Sony would have envisioned, to make it look like it was a factory one-off. Hence the copyright-infringing name :awesome:

(Don't sue me Sony, I just really like your products.)

PS2 motherboard's on its way, that should actually be here something like tomorrow or the day after. If that's the case, then I get the motherboard fitted into the laptop case on Thursday. Before then, I will probably begin disassembly of the eyetoy and begin some test fitting into the case.