Caredo said:
The closest electronics store that has them is 2 miles from me. That, and I don't exactly want a cheapo one.
BOOM! 40 miles :lol: The closer one to me shut down due to no activity. :cry: Just use a radio shack cheapie for your first one, it's not like it matters that much, and they're easy to replace when they get left on for >24 hours and don't work anymore :P
eurddrue said:
Caredo said:
The closest electronics store that has them is 2 miles from me. That, and I don't exactly want a cheapo one.
BOOM! 40 miles :lol: The closer one to me shut down due to no activity. :cry: Just use a radio shack cheapie for your first one, it's not like it matters that much, and they're easy to replace when they get left on for >24 hours and don't work anymore :P


I used a Ratshack cheapy for a while. I hardly ever used it, but the tip was both loose and untightenable after about 5 uses. Not to mention the tip was CONSTANTLY bending. I now have a Weller WP25. MUCH better. Expensive (for me) but way worth it. The tip never bends, the tip stays on tight (MUCH better retention system), and it has planety of power (it's only 25 watts). Oh and it's got a comfy foam rubber grip on the handle. Highly recommend it. I have a really pointy tip, ST7. The stock tip is rather large.

Oh and I have to order EVERYTHING, because we only have a The Source (formerly By Circuit City, formerly Radio Shack) which is like Radioshack except the selection is even worse and the prices are insane.
Yeah, I just used it for learning, it was a pos. If you've never soldered before, (I had, but it was with a gun and it was super easy) just buy the rat shack cheapie, and when it ruins upgrade. You'll be out, what, $7.99? I think that's all that I payed for mine, and mine came with a free roll of huge solder! :lol:
I've got a 40watt non-POS iron headed my way once omgitsthebishop gets back from his trip. A nice iron, a polycase, and four 7.4v 2200mAH batteries for $22 shipped? Heck yesss.
bacteria said:
Um, you might like to ask PalmerTech about his experience with omgitsthebishop...mine was well documented... Up to you though...

... Greeaat. He's not on the trader list, so I didn't think it would be a bad trade.
Wee, just got word that it's been shipped. Hopefully it gets here soon and I can continue my soldering practice on the many victims I've dug out of my closet.

Also bump. I've recently got around to cleaning my room out, so most of the games are now in their cases. I'll be hooking up the PS2 and making sure all of the games work properly on it, as well.
my brother bought me a soldering iron from radioshack and its been just fine. The tip hasn't been loose or bent. Its pretty much you're standard soldering iron that doesn't suck.
It's listed in both threads. As far as I know, Robm still wants it for his sister. Assuming he changes his mind, you get first dibs.
Yoshilime M.R. said:
well, yeah, remember the deal i had set up with you.
Yes, and it had been pending for quite some time. :/

If you really want it, though, I can tell Robm it's off, since you did contact me first.
Okay! I recently acquired an old Averatec 3200 series laptop. Its fan is like a jet engine, and I need a replacement that doesn't make any noise and won't slowly degrade into a piece of crap over time.

Basically I need a reliable laptop fan, 4.5mm in diameter. I really don't feel like spending $20 on a piece of junk fan that'll just crap out on me in a few weeks.
I'm going to tell you exactly what I told him:
Actually, Skyone over at BH is selling PS2s (phat or slim). I think he wants something like $17 for the phat. Maybe you'd be better off buying from him rather than from a guy who lives in Hawaii. I think he lives in Cali.
I think I'll keep this ps2 and practice casemodding on it. Sorry, but you can get better deals elsewhere and I really dread looking at the price of shipping this behemoth.
I agree - it would be unfair to ask for this thing for even 50 or 60 bucks shipped, because it'd probably cost half that - if not more - just to ship it to the mainland.