Ready for 3DS system update??!!


There's not a lot to be exited about, but I think that the idea of bringing the virtual console to a handheld is cool, but to have all of those ports be in 3D........isn't really that kewl, but i guess it could be.

Reguardless, I'm anticipating E3 and this new update, both of which are starting tomorrow. Whoo hoo.... :P

Anyone else feeling as moderately exited as I am?
:lol: lol. Sorry for your loss, and this is a pretty bad time to loose something that expensive, but you'll find it (who knows, you probably have, idk).

Yet if you were hoping to update today, you probably will have to wait till 12:00am eastern time, because I've been trying to update all f :evil2: ing day!!!

Now was that really necessary? No, yet I feel that if nintendo is doing this delibrately that I might consider just buying microsoft and sony videogame consoles (ngp yeah!) from now on, because for those of us who care to much about this update, well.....we care too much about this update.
Remember earlier when I said that there wasn't a lot to be exited about, well, I became very absorbed into taping system settings, so much in fact that my activity log says that "system settings" is my number one most played software title, 17 more times have I played it than street fighter...........sigh....what a life.

Please don't do this Nintendo.
Pcuber, stop being silly.

It specifically said it would come out this "evening", so relax. You waited this long, you can wait a few more hours. Besides, you're getting a free game, don't complain.
Zero said:
Pcuber, stop being silly.

It specifically said it would come out this "evening", so relax. You waited this long, you can wait a few more hours. Besides, you're getting a free game, don't complain.

Ok mom :awesome: At least onw I realize why the free game(s) were necessary, to keep silly people like myself from exagerating how they feel on a forum about

sorry, but still, it is taking a while, I guess I just expected Nintendo to do it sooner....but there's nothing I can really do about that.... :cry: ....just keep being patient! Yeah! That'll work!

EDIT: I believe 9:38pm should be considered evening, but then again the did happen to mention pacific we Ohio'ins(?) will just have to wait longer..... :sweat:
11:00pm eastern time............still no update. yep. they lied. the update's not coming until tomorrow. great. awesome. just awesomely great..... :cry4:
yep! I got it!! whoo hoo....oh wait. I loathe exitebike... oh well....

...the 3D doesn't change the gameplay a whole lot, but man is it cool to see a 2D game transition itself like that, even though all the 3D adds is a virtual audience in the background, that's still pretty cool.

But anyways what pokemon did you all get in pokedex 3D black&white (assuming you downloaded it)

I have the following:
-The starters
- Audino
- Axew
- Emolga
- Foongus
- Hydreigon
- Minccino
- Scraggy

Now maybe everyone starts out with these idk...but I do know that in the future it should be possible to "trade" our "pokemon" using a wifi connection. So that's pretty......expected.
Nintendo told me June 6 that the update didn't come out until 6pm pacific time but i got it liked all the videos now i know what oot will look like and plus luigi's mansion 2 awesome can't wait till it comes out through it isn't what i expected i sorta don't like the new ghost and plus the mummy and the way everything looks a bit terrible but still i am getting it even through the ghost are terrible