3DS Odroid Portable!

Hey everyone,

It's been a while since I have worked on a project. I still have a PC portable in the works but I had to put it to the side for a while. I plan on making a Raspberry Pi Zero or Pi 2 in a 3DS XL case. I have a Pi Zero right now but I might get a Pi 2 and see if that would fit instead. I would like to have the capability to play some N64 games on it.

So far I have most of the parts already but I am still waiting on the 3DS XL Shell that I ordered from China. I will update this topic with more when it arrives.

I will be using a Teensy for the controls and a 3DS slider to act as a joysitck/mouse using a switch.

I plan on adding a 1300mah battery and a 4.3in display.

Wifi will be included too with 2 usb ports on the case.
Re: 3DS Pi Portable!

The case came in the mail today. I will add photos of it when I get home. I plan on dremeling some of the unimportant plastic on the inside to make room for the components. The screen will not be touchscreen but there will be a touch component that will be revealed later.

The case is this one:

Ebay Link
Re: 3DS Pi Portable!

What will bottom screen hole be? Could be cool if you put clear plastic over the screen hole, add some leds so you can look at the raspberry on the inside :)
Re: 3DS Pi Portable!

I was thinking of adding a keyboard on the bottom space, however the thickness of the 3ds bottom half of the case is way too small to fit even an Xbox keyboard...

http://www.newsdownload.co.uk/pages/RPi ... atPad.html

So instead I will add a bottom touch panel with a touch screen to usb mouse converter.

That way if I do need to type something short I can draw the letters/numbers on the bottom screen to show up on the top.... I want to keep the "Dual Screen" look of the 3ds.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Replacement ... xy-WxTDpzW


Re: 3DS Pi Portable!

That digitizer to USB thing is really neat, I've never seen anything like that before. Good luck with your project!
Re: 3DS Pi Portable!

This project sound really cool. Can't wait to see it finished. I might even start something like this...
Re: 3DS Pi Portable!

Instead of a raspberry Pi I am going to use an Odroid C0 which fits perfectly. Will add more updates as I progress.