RAM swap woes


I attempted a RAM swap tonight for my wip project. First I desoldered the original chips. Then I replaced the first one with a single RAM chip from a dead rev9 board. I tested it and the board booted fine with only the single chip. Then I replaced the second one with a chip from an expansion pak. I fired up some perfect dark and it says no expansion pak detected. :(

Could it be that the chip from the dead board is dead?

My soldering job is mighty clean so thats not the issue.

I feel so bad that it doesn't work. :(
Okay they both say 36. I'm currently sick so cut me some slack.

I still don't understand why it doesn't work.
Try taking off the chip you got from the dead board. If it doesn't boot, you know that the problem is the chip from the expansion pak. Also remember your jumper pak :3
I realized why the first time didn't work. I went to remove the chip like toast said and it just fell off. It fell the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* off and ripped like three traces. *Can'tSayThisOnTV*.

Now I'm giving it another go on my last board while trying to remain sane.
Chipquik is bismuth-lead solder. Bismuth has an extremely low melting point, which is why it stays fluid for so long once you've heated it up. It is alloyed with lead, so it gets just hot enough to keep all the lead-based solder melted, while the bismuth keeps it fluid long enough for you to work with it.
lol ya. Good luck with your ram swap. I want to see it work. Also, anyone have a pic of the tri-sixty force's mobo?

- mymixed
Totally loving all these MR CT pics coming out of the woodwork, someone give me lots of them, I was there, etc.


That's as best as you'll get. I shipped it off to god knows where and never heard from it again, so that's all I have left of it.
