What batteries are these?
7.4v Li-Pos. I'm not sure what the mAh are, ask nobble. He sold them to me. He said you've worked with them before.
Is the screen LED modded?
How loud is the high pitched noise?
Not too loud
If it is not LED modded, that high pitched noise, if it's quietish, is probably the backlight transformer. It always does that.
Ok, that's probably what it is.
That crack may have been the CCFL breaking, open the screen casing and look. Wear gloves and a gas mask or something lol, but not really, you ought be fine. Just don't breathe in too much and don't handle flax directly if the bulb may have leaked on it. Or something like that.Ok, I'll check. And I assume that if the CCFL breaks, the screen doesn't work, it's not like a doesn't-light-up-but-still-shows-picture-and-sound kind of thing?