Question about screens.

I'm (very slowly) planning on making a portable PS1. But I don't know if I can have a readable screen. For example, on Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for the GameCube, when I play it on our 17 inch TV (which is in no way portable, obviously xD ) I can barely read the ring counter because I can barely tell the difference between the 6, 8, and 9. If I'm going to use, say, a 5 inch screen, how the Heck can I read it?

A good example is the PS1 game Sim Theme Park. In that game, you can adjust the amount of salt in your fries, fat in the burgers, etc. The font on that meter is really small and I can barely read that on a 20-ish inch screen.

I don't want to spend too much on a screen, but it obviously has to be readable. Anyone have a pointer or two to give me when choosing readable screens?
I beat SA2B easily on a 5" PSone screen in less than a day. as long as your not a few feet away from a small screen it is readable. but if you go too small than your gonna have a hard time reading stuff.
I can barely read a lot of text on my 27" TV. It's not so much the size as the resolution and clarity. Small screens have much smaller pixels, and in some ways are actually easier to read. A 3.5" screen is a little small, though- I also recommend a 5". Of course, you're a lot closer with a portable as well.

This is one of the reasons I'm a PC gamer. A 20" 1650x1080 monitor two feet away looks a lot better than a CRT TV or even and HDTV at 1920x1080 that's several feet away. Part of this is because I'm nearsighted, I'm sure, but even if I shove my head to the screen, I can barely play Halo on my 27" CRT.