samjc3 said:
Yes but you could buy that monitor, which is heavily overpriced, and better hardware than is in an imac for less. And youd come out of it with a machine that was more suited to the things that you like to do, because you have options.
Unfortunately, the things I like to do include:
Hauling my all-in-one between my mom and dad's houses and school
Living in a 400 sq. ft. house with two other people where there actually isn't room for even a mid size tower
Using OSX
Firstly, why???? and secondly osx86.
$800 for this computer plus this excellent monitor is reasonable and competitive, not to mention it being exactly what I need for my circumstances. On top of that, I get amazing customer service if anything goes wrong.
$800 is less than the factory price by alot, last I checked. And lots of companies have excellent customer service. I will say microsoft isnt one of them, but there are hundreds upon hundreds of places to get software help, and hardware manufacturers such as EVGA, G.skill, Asus and Dell have incredible customer service.
Don't judge what things "I like to do."
I am incapable of not judging things which are wholesomely illogical. I am also disinclined to respect anybody who uses macs, because in my experience they are either snobs or old people. Obviously there are exceptions, but I swear if one more person tells me osX "is just better" I will injure them.