Possible Portable Ideas?


Hello everyone! I am at my cousin's house right now and he is giving me his perfectly working Wii.
Except for the broken disc drive, but they are starting to get lame in this scene with all the SD gamecubes...
I am thinking of ideas on what to do with this wii, without using the DD. I already have homebrew'd it so we could play some good ol Ps1 games.
I was thinking a portable with gamecube buttons, and use the wii with a sd / usb loader. I was thinking a more gamecube experience, but with the power of the wii for emulators, wifi, and a bunch of extra goodies. I'll draw some concepts up tonight.
same style as any of the new portables. square-ish with buttons and screen like (<x> [ ] <x>)

Any suggestions? THANKS!

UPDATE: I have modded the wii and can get wii games loaded off of the SD. However, the gamecube game sd loader is in development, so i am not sure what i am going to do control wise, as gamecube games were a priority.
Pics, dont rush and ask questions that arent answered in the wiki.

Polycase is good for durable premade cases, and theyr cheap too. Batteries are good at batteryspace.com but be careful with the Li-Ions and the like theyr dangerous but give good life. Screens, go PS1 for your first mod because theyr easy and cheap, but there are also many equally cheap and easy ones found in the screen section.
Sonyportableizer said:
Pics, dont rush and ask questions that arent answered in the wiki.

Polycase is good for durable premade cases, and theyr cheap too. Batteries are good at batteryspace.com but be careful with the Li-Ions and the like theyr dangerous but give good life. Screens, go PS1 for your first mod because theyr easy and cheap, but there are also many equally cheap and easy ones found in the screen section.
Pretty sure its Li-po's that are more sensitive but yeah, what he said.
nukear said:
Sonyportableizer said:
Pics, dont rush and ask questions that arent answered in the wiki.

Polycase is good for durable premade cases, and theyr cheap too. Batteries are good at <a class="vglnk" title="Link added by VigLink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="http://batteryspace.com">batteryspace.com</a> but be careful with the Li-Ions and the like theyr dangerous but give good life. Screens, go PS1 for your first mod because theyr easy and cheap, but there are also many equally cheap and easy ones found in the screen section.
Pretty sure its Li-po's that are more sensitive but yeah, what he said.
No I can't remember who said it, but I remember seeing somewhere that the metal shavings build up in the li-ions and then puncture the battery causing explosions, thus the move to li-poly.