Portable N64

Hi I am new to this forum and I love it, I have become obsessed with building an N64 portable ever since finding this site. Any way I want to build a portable N64 but I don't know where to start. I've got a working Nintendo 64 and a controller, but other than that I'm lost at what to do. I have a little experience with electronics, I built 2 computers, and the most soldering I've ever done was soldering a few LED's to a 9V battery. Does anyone have any suggestions on projects I could do to practice with soldering, and learning my way around a circuit board? ANY suggestions are always welcomed. Thanks for your time.
Read the mega stickies. Soldering doesn't require practice, just jump in. Your first joints will probably suck, but it's not harmful, just fix them later.
Try building an audio amp. I posted one over in the random electronics section. It's cheap, ~$10 to build, and can actually be used in a portable so it's no waste of money.

You'll likely get a lot of experience with soldering when you try relocating your cartridge slot... 'bout 96 connections that need to be good. Don't worry about it though, it'll get easier as you go.
zeturi said:
Try building an audio amp. I posted one over in the random electronics section. It's cheap, ~$10 to build, and can actually be used in a portable so it's no waste of money.

You'll likely get a lot of experience with soldering when you try relocating your cartridge slot... 'bout 96 connections that need to be good. Don't worry about it though, it'll get easier as you go.
Thank you for the reply, I know this is going to sound super newbish but what exactly is an audio amp. I think I know, its what makes the sound louder right? Anyway thanks for your help