portable gamecube (yet to be named) worklog

ok I didn't know when to start the worklog so might as well start........
I have my sony ps1 lcd screen, gamecube rev. C, controller, acylic glass, dremel 8200, etc.

I have tact switches and tested it and worked

need to bring down 14.8v to 8v found some thing but don't think its it

what would be smaller a vertical handheld or horizontal handheld
flashslash said:
what would be smaller a vertical handheld or horizontal handheld
Depends on how you place all the parts and your modding skills!
For me I find landscape smaller but for you it could be vertical.
thats what I thought but needed a few opinions cause i can make it a bit smaller but I just wanted an easier step to make it smaller and there aren't much vertical gcp like technotts gcp 1 & 2.....................
cutting my acrylic glass to size
6 inches left to right and trying to see how big my battery will be for the thickness
also i yet to see bottom to top
I don't know how to post pictures up directly and I want to but don't know how.....thats why there aren't any pictures
im still cutting my glass into the sizes i need it to and i decided to extend my cables to the disc drive ..........btw i made the disc drive smaller
sorry about the pictures couldn't get any pictures in while working on my gcp or chillin with some friends but here they are and nothing too drastic will happen just some relocations to slim it down some



just for some people who want to slim their revC gc without impossible ways to do it heres how to do it:
do you remember technott's disc drive relocation... only do the connector for the daughter board to mother board relocation and do hailraizer's disc drive relocation to be more flexible to where the disc drive can be
to find relocations go to mega sticky for generation 6 next go to kasar's guide and go down to the section with it and look for the 2 relocations from the 2 people so your welcome hopefully it helped
>leave the pins on the board after taking out the outer part of the plug for easy application
>take your time and calm down when soldering the pins
>use the same type of wire as technott did but 24-26 or smaller gauge will ease up soldering the pins a bit
>just to make sure after aligning the pins for hailraizer's disc drive hot glue it for security ..i said this just in case you didn't read it thoroughly