Portable Gamecube (Laptop)


I am looking to commision someone on making a portable gamecube. However I am not looking for something that is handheld ( This might make it easier but im not sure ) I am looking for a laptop styled portable gamecube.

What I would like to see -

- NTSC Region
- Disc Support
- Memory Card Slots
- Two controller ports
- Pleasing to the eye

My price range would have to be anything up to $450. If you have to go a little higher I can do $475.

Now the most important aspect of this is i would like to have this done by the end of November 2015. I don't want to recieve it anytime earlier or later than the end of November 2015.

Animal Crossing said:
- Pleasing to the eye

up to $450
Going to be brutally honest. You probably won't get anything like this for $475. High end GCPs tend to go for $900 or more, and there are only a select few trustworthy people who I'd personally recommend to commission because they will deliver on what you pay them to do AND it would be pleasing to look at. They probably wouldn't do a basic unit for less than $600 I'd imagine, but hey, it's always worth asking them. (Hailraizer, Downing, Ashen, gman, etc.)
Noah said:
Animal Crossing said:
- Pleasing to the eye

up to $450
Going to be brutally honest. You probably won't get anything like this for $475. High end GCPs tend to go for $900 or more, and there are only a select few trustworthy people who I'd personally recommend to commission because they will deliver on what you pay them to do AND it would be pleasing to look at. They probably wouldn't do a basic unit for less than $600 I'd imagine, but hey, it's always worth asking them. (Hailraizer, Downing, Ashen, gman, etc.)

All im looking for is just a simple design nothing fancy. If i took that request off can i manage to get something in my price range?
Maybe. I don't do commissions so I couldn't tell you. Ask one of the people I listed above if they're taking commissions and how much something like this would be.