*Can'tSayThisOnTV* haters.
I can understand the general modretro "gang up on the retarded kid" style, and I'm totally fine with hating on posts that say:
This post started out slightly like that. But his pictures have shown that he understands what he is doing and is a very impressive design imo for not trimming the controller or any board AT ALL.
The only thing anyone's managed to bring up against it is that the start button is in a weird spot, and the pricing / marketability.
Start button: Yeah, it's in a weird spot, and i think it should be moved somewhere more accessible.
Pricing: He claims to have contacts that will allow him to get parts extremely cheaply. If so, that's good for him, if he's lying, who gives a flax? He's asking for design opinions etc, not financial advice. If he's lying he's just wasting his time / will have to make it more expensive.
Marketability: I think it actually has a chance to make money if he gets it done at a reasonable price ($200 - $250?). I'm sure anyone on this forum, who's either made portables themselves or have even just been paying attention have seen the "LOLOL I PAY U 200 FOR PORTABALL YES?" We scoffed at them, said "lol noway noob" because of the countless hours put in to those portables, and the costs involved. This will give them an option. Who cares if they actually have the intelligence to put the thing together? That's their problem. They'll probably just jump on the kit like an idiot and then break it in minutes.
But seriously guys, stop treating this guy like a retard. His skills are good and his plan might just work. If anyone else posted those pictures on a wip thread everyone would be posting about the nice casework. Because it really is nice casework, but nobody seems to care because the start button is in an inaccessible place?!?
βeta said:
I have no confidence in your ability to do anything. Why should I? What proof do you have that you know anything at all about what you are saying you can do?
mesojdm said:
hailrazer said:
Also the 7" screen? Not needed or wanted in a portable. Go with a 4

- 5" screen.
The flanks ??? With a 5" screen and a much smaller design could work. But it makes the unit huge.
Why is the screen not needed or wanted? With flanks the smaller screen would look silly with the design. Also a bigger screen will attract more buyers.
Making the unit smaller isn't really an option unless you:
A) Trim the motherboard
B) Remove flanks, but that will make you have to put the controls above the screen which just looks even sillier than flanks. Besides, the flanks would be comfortable.
/rant (and good luck)