pLover's WTS/WTB thread UPDATED 2/2/10


Apparently plover is a type of bird.
For Sale/Trade

Controller Spraypainting Service$10 + shipping
PM me for details

Looking for

Broken GBASP, Model AGS-001 $10
I want to do a frontlight mod on a GBC or GBA, so I need a model AGS-001. I want it broken, so I don't ruin a perfectly good GBASP.

PSone screen mobo$25
I need the mobo of a Sony PSone screen, not a Zenith. I don't care what you say, I want the mobo of a SONY screen. I've got my own reasons, just NO Zeniths.

Nintendo Screwdriver
I'm not sure what size opens a GBC game. (3mm, I would guess) so if anyone knows what size is right, that's the size I want. I'm trying to replace the battery in Pokémon Crystal and I tried just using a normal screwdriver, but it didn't work.

Super Castlevania IV $9
I'm getting my friend a Retro Duo for his birthday, and this is the SNES game he wants most.

Anything you want to sell, I'm interested in stuff. Also, we can negotiate prices.
Re: pLover's WTS/WTB thread

I have screwdrivers that can open the GBA and its games. Its a triwing screw driver that I can sell. I am pretty sure that it will open GBC.
Re: pLover's WTS/WTB thread

Ok, well then I can't buy it now, but later I might. As for now I can only trade things.
Re: pLover's WTS/WTB thread UPDATED 12/16

I'm interested in Super Castlevania 4.
Re: pLover's WTS/WTB thread UPDATED 12/16

So am I, that's why it's on my WTB list XD
Re: pLover's WTS/WTB thread UPDATED 12/16

I can repair your Pokemon Crystal for you. I actually just did my own Gold, as well as my friend's Crystal.
Re: pLover's WTS/WTB thread UPDATED 12/16

Nah, I've got the batteries and everything, I just need a 3mm (I think 3mm) gamebit. Thanks for the offer, though