PlayNendo v2.0...A new beginning.


Version 2.0 you say? Yeah I destroyed version 1 lol. My failed anger management classes got the best of me (not really). Was having some rf problems with the controller and after several hours to attempt to diagnose and fix the problem I gave up. So instead I smashed it against the wall. I felt better...much better after testing the boards and they both still work! This go around it will be thinner and more ergonomic. First one wasn't bad but it wasn't quite what I wanted. So moving onto PlayNendo 264 version 2.0 and this one is going to take months!!

RIP PlayNendo. If you haven't followed, the original thread is here: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=5319

First I started with a mold and will be trying my hand at diy vacuum forming.
MDF, plexi, the most comfortable pc controller ever and rare (hammerhead FX), filler and a t-shirt.

a-tshirt and fiberglass resin gets the basic shape going.


First try vacuum forming with some scrap ABS I had laying around. Not bad but it showed me some imperfection that need attention.

Glad this is still happening! Vacuum forming should be much better (not that your other case was bad). Good luck.

- mymixed
Wow, you can vac-form with ABS sheets? Hm... I wonder if plexi is also compatible with vac-forming.