Palmers sister Gingers sprint Katana cow phone =]

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I painted my Sanyo Sprint Katana with black nail polish to look like cow print =]



Why are all girls so good at painting their phone random stuff and drawing random pictures that NO ONE can make any sense of?
^that was an unintentionally well-hidden compliment in the first part^

...why a cow?
That's pretty awesome. Nail polish should last a while too, I've used sharpie in the past and it wears off.
I think cow print looks cool. Reminds me of Gateway. *Runs off to paint cow print on wii.*
techknott said: looks good too. :dahroll:
i see what you did thar.

i approve of this phone. i have become inspired to do my phone now too. jlee style.
Last summer. We went boogie-boarding. It was epic. Het took pics but never posted them. :gonk:

BTW, just spoke with him. He LOL'd at Techknott's post.

Edit- just called back. Told him to post pics, so pics... tomorrow.
Get back on topic. If you wish to discuss how cool my house and California in general are, start a thread. :p

Nice mod!
PalmerTech said:
Get back on topic. If you wish to discuss how cool my house and California in general are, start a thread. :p

Nice mod![/obligatory]
fix'd. :p

i think i am gonna rit dye my phone now. or just paint it with fusion. but i dont know what. cows seem to be taken.
Splatter paint with glow in the dark paint. Nuff said. Or make is cow print with glow in the dark paint.
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