Open Pandora


So, who's getting one? ( in case you don't know)
I know me and Palmertech are, but is anyone else? If you are what are you mainly planning on using it for?
i have 2 preordered, although, at this point, im thinking about pulling out, and waiting for something better. after all, they are only an omap3, and game controls. nothing special, really
I ordered on the first day it was available. I canceled three months later.

After this long this is a product that has missed it's opportunity.

Sad cause it had potential.
samjc3 said:
they are only an omap3, and game controls.
hailrazer said:
After this long this is a product that has missed it's opportunity.


Yeah, this is totally a failure on their part.
jleemero said:
samjc3 said:
they are only an omap3, and game controls.
hailrazer said:
After this long this is a product that has missed it's opportunity.


Yeah, this is totally a failure on their part.

Ummm yea, that's what they have been saying for TWO YEARS :roll:

Don't quote marketing drivel to me.... I've heard it for a while now.

The fact is the Pandora is one of the most disorganized sytem launch I have ever seen. By the time they get it on the market (IF they ever do) something else will rasily surpass it.

Yea I fell for the hype to. But they haven't delivered and even if they do get the 150 out by the end of the year (which looks doubtful) they still have ruined any chance at a successful system launch.
"Disorganized System Launch"? WHAT LAUNCH?
They've been showing us the dev cycle that major companies keep behind closed doors.

"2 years" OH NOES.
The DS was in development for YEARS before it was announced that they would be making a new system, and it was another year before release after that.

You can't expect a bunch of guys to announce something, then have it ready within a year.
They've been working on this, not trying to put it on the market.
Besides, these are independent developers, not a large, well-backed company, small mistakes have got to be somewhat expected.
I understand what you are saying.

But this system development has been full of a LOT of broken promises. Hence the reason the majority of people have canceled orders and moved on.

I admire what they were trying to do, but it was handled so badly that I really don't see any hope for it.

And 2 years in the game console world is nothing, that is true. But in the PC world (which is what they are hyping this as) it's a lifetime, and there are a couple of things in the works by bigger companies that might just surprise us :)
hailrazer said:
But this system development has been full of a LOT of broken promises. Hence the reason the majority of people have canceled orders and moved on.

Only a couple hundred people canceled (out of 4000), that's where the additional pre-orders came from, and I'm pretty sure a couple hundred out of 4000 is not the majority :?

And anyways, even if it is a little behind in hardware because of the past 2 years, its still not that bad and it has a HUGE community of people developing for it, so who cares if the specs are a little lacking as long as you have a large selection of good, free games.
chocoboy said:
hailrazer said:
But this system development has been full of a LOT of broken promises. Hence the reason the majority of people have canceled orders and moved on.

Only a couple hundred people canceled (out of 4000), that's where the additional pre-orders came from, and I'm pretty sure a couple hundred out of 4000 is not the majority :?

Yea it has been a lot more than a couple hundred over the last year and a half. :wink:
hailrazer said:
chocoboy said:
hailrazer said:
But this system development has been full of a LOT of broken promises. Hence the reason the majority of people have canceled orders and moved on.

Only a couple hundred people canceled (out of 4000), that's where the additional pre-orders came from, and I'm pretty sure a couple hundred out of 4000 is not the majority :?

Yea it has been a lot more than a couple hundred over the last year and a half. :wink:
Even so, they've already refilled the 4000 preorders, so there is still a lot of people willing to buy it before it even comes out, and there's already a lot of people of gp32x wondering when the 2nd batch will come out so it will eventually have a lot of users, which give more incentive for developers to develop for it, and to push the hardware to its fullest, even if the specs are a little lacking.
I did not originally pre-order it, because they did not even have a beta OS, or even a GUI mockup. Nothing to show= Nothing to order, for me. Also, I made a thread to ask if TV out cables were included, then they changed their mind a month later, and ignored me. Did not sit well with me.

Then I got the newsletter last month, decided to go for it. TBH, I bought it because though I like the hardware, I think this whole project is destined to fail hard, and I do not think they will get past a second batch, if they even make one. However, the GP2X software dev scene did well with only ~10,000 units in the US and UK, so I think that the Pandora will be useful, if only for N64 emulation on the go.

As for "The Most Powerful Handheld", that is BS. The Odroid already has a dev version that you can buy RIGHT NOW AT THIS MOMENT for less than a theoretical Pandora. It is using the same SOC, but a few mhz faster, and double the RAM. Sorry, Pandora loses. And if anybody says the Odroid is ugly, keep in mind it is only the dev version, not the final, polished consumer version. ;)

Besides, my money is on a new Nintendo handheld powered by Tegra sometime in Q2 or Q3 of 2010.

Also: Rare, failed hardware makes for a nice, juicy resale market on eBay. ;)
My DS does pretty much everything I need it to do. The only thing I would switch it out for is a PCp.