I did not originally pre-order it, because they did not even have a beta OS, or even a GUI mockup. Nothing to show= Nothing to order, for me. Also, I made a thread to ask if TV out cables were included, then they changed their mind a month later, and ignored me. Did not sit well with me.
Then I got the newsletter last month, decided to go for it. TBH, I bought it because though I like the hardware, I think this whole project is destined to fail hard, and I do not think they will get past a second batch, if they even make one. However, the GP2X software dev scene did well with only ~10,000 units in the US and UK, so I think that the Pandora will be useful, if only for N64 emulation on the go.
As for "The Most Powerful Handheld", that is BS. The Odroid already has a dev version that you can buy RIGHT NOW AT THIS MOMENT for less than a theoretical Pandora. It is using the same SOC, but a few mhz faster, and double the RAM. Sorry, Pandora loses. And if anybody says the Odroid is ugly, keep in mind it is only the dev version, not the final, polished consumer version.
Besides, my money is on a new Nintendo handheld powered by Tegra sometime in Q2 or Q3 of 2010.
Also: Rare, failed hardware makes for a nice, juicy resale market on eBay.