One more reason California is screwed

If it makes you happy SS, you have a master sword as a weapon and wear a cloak fastened by a triforce latch.
Twilight Wolf said:
If California somehow breaks off from the US, Nevada will be a coastal state! Yay, I've always wanted to live by the ocean!

All you California people should move to Reno if that happens. Then we can all hang out and stuff.
Well if you live on the Western side of Nevada, you better hope that doesn't happen. You'd probably drown in lava.
J.D said:
I saw at E3 that there was a game where you are a dude wondering around a torn apart L.A...what was the name of that game?
Sounds kind of like the new fallout.
PalmerTech said:
If a crazy freak storm like this happens, I have a foolproof plan.

1. Load all computers and canned food into V8 station wagon.

2. Drive across the street to the liquor store, break the windows, and raid the entire place, by force if needed (I live in a residential area, but by a loophole, there is a small 1 story commercial liquor store. People have offered the old man who owns it hundreds of thousands for it so they can build a condo or something, but he refuses). Steal all hard liquor, beer is too cheap to bother with.

3. Drive to my job at the end of the peninsula I live on, US Sailing Center of Long Beach. Unload all alcohol, food, and electronics into the largest powerboat we have, a Grand Banks Committee Boat, using our loading ramp. I would be able to get to the sailing center before anyone else, living within 1 minute driving distance, so I would be the first person with access to the facilities. To prevent other cars from being able to enter the peninsula, I would quickly push all our trailers into the two lane road right outside that leads to the opening, then sever our fueling line from our underground fuel storage area, and throw the severed end into the street. Turn on pump, and ignite the resulting pool, it would buy me a river of fire for at least 15 minutes before draining. I do not need a load of idiot raiders trying to steal all the boats, that is my job.

4. While I am doing this, my family/friends will raid the sailing center for all marine clothing, flares, weaponry, fishing tools, inflatable boats, and all of our wheeled gaswalkers, and load them onto our biggest sailboat, a 62 foot trans-pac yacht. Use our nylon towing lines to tie the powerboat and sailboat together, run a flashstart on the engine, and gun it out to Chaffee island. It is a currently non-operation oil drilling facility, with a screw of only 8 right now. On the island, they have the food, water, and other things needed to live in complete isolation for 40 days, on a crew of 70 PEOPLE. I would either take them out by force, or trade my massive stash of alcohol for a spot on the island. They have a full, concrete covered storage facility for their transport boats that can weather any storm. Also, they have a helicopter.

Depending on how badly Cali is wiped out after the, I will then either cruise the wreckage for survivors of our ruined kingdom (ala Wind Waker), make the oil drilling island my semi-permanent residence, or go out 28 more miles to Catalina Island.

Ok, if you did that, you would be known as a terrorist, and the government would come looking for you, so you might as well MOVE THE *Can'tSayThisOnTV* EAST.
Instead of commiting needless crimes, but if you were talking about something virtual like a video game, then go for it.

zeturi said:
Sounds kind of like the new fallout.

Actually fallout would be DJ711's example, this would be more liek getthe*Can'tSayThisOnTV*out

Comicon 2010 is totally *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ed, unless they move it to stl :awesome: .
and how about every MR person in CA should come somewhere nowhere near the west coast, like MO :) , after all, there are rivers in MO that you can have to replace the ocean with :D

By the power vested in me by the Forums of ModRetro, I now pronounce this triple post fixed. (Use the "Edit" button next time you want to add to your post, okay?) -TW
loip90876 said:
zeturi said:
Sounds kind of like the new fallout.

Actually fallout would be DJ711's example, this would be more liek getthe*Can'tSayThisOnTV*out


Do you know what he was even talking about?

@JD: I Am Alive. That's the name of it.
If my plan was ever needed in earnest, I guarantee the government will not be coming after me. Most of California would be wiped out, and pretty much all property, vehicles, and other stuff rendered completely useless. A few boats would be absolutely off the radar.
PalmerTech said:
If my plan was ever needed in earnest, I guarantee the government will not be coming after me. Most of California would be wiped out, and pretty much all property, vehicles, and other stuff rendered completely useless. A few boats would be absolutely off the radar.

agreed. I have my own stock of canned food and water which is still growing. It would get me 1 week which is not enough by far. I am about 20min from the Santa Monica coast.

Although Palmers plan is cool (slightly Hollywooded) I like my plan better:

1. Find all of my Armenian friends
2. Do what they do

I to have a 4 step Plan! It cant fail!
Step 1) Bend over
Step 2) Place head between legs
Step 3) Kiss ass goodbye
Step 4) repeat steps 1 through 3

banditpaw1 said:
I to have a 6 step Plan! It cant fail!
Step 1) Bend over
Step 2) Place head between legs
Step 3) Kiss ass goodbye
Step 4) repeat steps 1 through 3
Step 5) ???
Step 6) PROFIT!!!
Palmer said:
with a screw of only 8 right now.

DJ711 said:
Palmer, that plan just gave me an epic idea. I'm gonna write a short story (20-40) pages about SS and I(Both being badass vigilantes) and some other people on MR after everyone goes crazy after 2012 and we need to escape the anarchy to the oil island to save all of our knowlege of technology which has been utterly destroyed

Can I buy the con artists that claims to know everything and in the end tries to steal your airplane full of supplies!? :awesome: