Ok so here is my plan, what do you think?

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What will you do with the vending machine graphics? As in, what would you have on the vending machine? :ninj:
My analysis of SS's avatar:

Its the face from Jlee's, probably the base of Jellies, because, as awesome as dancing panda furry thing is, I cant picture that being the original. So I assume that is the original, and SS (or someone else) added a gun.
The girl is the one in the panda suit.
The Panda Suit version WAS made by the same guy who made the girl.
And gun is original, and is stored on the inside of the Panda Suit.
Remember, Stock those weird healthy snacks, big market for that horrible stuff. In fact, just stick some Apples or something in there. Do the sell bulk ipods?

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