Nintenbdo Vs. MicroSoft VS. Sony

I'm a PC gamer, would never switch to consoles, and love my PC. However I can understand why most people don't even consider it a valid gaming platform. It is initially expensive (though online is USUALLY free and games are cheaper), is a pain in the ass to use, and is most people are prejudiced against it. On the bright side, it has epic homebrew, does more than games, has a lot of flexibility and customizability, and has great graphics and great games. It also plays retro games and good backwards compatibility.


3rd Gen: NES
4th Gen: SNES
5th Gen: N64
6th Gen: XBOX
7th Gen: not going to even bother

Maybe I'm the one who's prejudiced, because I never had an N64 when I was little like most people my age and my first real game was probably Doom, on a Pentium 133 machine. The motherboard is still hanging on my wall.
Just out of curiosity, as it has been established that the PS3 DOES have games now, and has at least comparable graphic competency with the Xbox 360, what exactly makes either one "flux?"

PS3/Xbox 360 fact-based downfalls, GO!

Expensive games. Expensive itself.

Owned by Microsoft. White, unless you go black for price of PS3. No Bluray.
The ps3 started at $600, and is now $300. Sucks for everyone who bought one at launch. Online play can be laggy, download times for PSN sucks. Wifi and a hard drive get included. Very spotty backwards compatability, you need to find an early model for that.

We've had 4 xboxes in our home, 2 got rrod. Biggest gripe is the thing was rushed into production without any stress tests. Very expensive addons. Great online play, looks cool, but runs LOUD. Can emulate some xbox games, and it's cool that you can download them.

The Wii has a dvd drive, but can't play dvds. :wtf: Also, too many kiddie games, I don't want to play Cooking Mama. Nice looking console and unique controls. It is rather nice that they allow you to download some of the classic games and play them. No HD at all. But I already have a Gamecube so I can already play the best games. :lol:
I've TRIED all these to at least some degree. Here goes my epic comparison.

Advantages: Very flexible and configurable; you can use any controller you want, configure your games, and run custom mods. You can choose your own parts and even if you don't there are lots of different models. Can be very powerful, with the best graphics of the bunch if done right. Games are usually cheaper and online is usually free. Does a lot more than just play games. Lots of homebrew with no hacking necessary.
Disadvantages: A royal pain in the ass to use for most people. You have to install, update, and sometimes uninstall stuff, defrag, run virus scans, and do a lot of housekeeping. Initial cost can be high, especially for really good machines (but a good one that will run most games at medium-high settings can be built for around $800). Choosing models or parts can be frustrating. Argubly quicker to become obselete. No unitized online service. People will make fun of you for gaming on it.

XBOX 360:
Advantages: Great online service. Good graphics and good variety of hit games. Argubly better than a PS3, asthetically. Quite powerful, though not the most powerful. Not overly expensive initially, and only three (soon to be two) models to choose from. Plays DVDs and CDs (but not blu-ray). At least somewhat hackable. Also, it's the "cool" console to get.
Disadvantages: Expensive as Heck, between overpriced games, peripherals, and LIVE, it will suck your wallet dry. Microsoft has a stranglehold on peripherals. Hacking is limited but not terrible. Doesn't play blu-ray. Not THE MOST POWERFUL console out there. Somewhat unreliable, though mostly fixed now. A small group of people will hate you for owning one.

Playstation 3:
Advantages: Free online service. More powerful than a Wii and argubly more powerful than a 360. Plays blu-rays and does a whole bunch of other things to some degree. A wide selection of games. At least some backwards compatibility. Not overly expensive anymore. Argubly nice looking.
Disadvantages: Online is not that great. Not a lot of hit exclusives. Backwards compatibility is spotty and confusing. Has not been hacked yet. Argubly uglier than a 360 or Wii. Not as cool as a 360. Confusing amount of revisions. Too-small and somewhat awkward controller to at least some people.

Nintendo Wii:
Advantages: Cheap with free pack-in game. Has a neat controller. A lot of games that are different from those on PC, PS3, and 360. Small, nice-looking, and cool-running. So easy to hack it's funny. Games are generally cheaper. Will play emulated games with 'Virtual Console'
Disadvantages: Online is a joke. The neat controller isn't actually that good for most games. Most of those 'different' games are utter garbage. Wii Fit is just plain stupid. Doesn't get any of the big titles. Not HD, and gutless when it comes to hardware. Does not play blu-ray or even DVD. Virtual Console is pretty much just a cash grab.
Xbox 360
+ Has great online, best controller maybe ever for 3D games?, Has a wide selection of games, Cheap enough, Small & Stylish, Available in White & Black to go with any setup, all of your mates have one
- Slightly unreliable, Controllers need expensive battery packs, online has a monthly fee, perhiperhals are too expensive (headsets, controllers etc.), Hard Drives are far too expensive

Playstation 3
+ Has free online, controllers are built in rechargable through USB, Can play Blurays, apparently more powerful than 360, HDD is easily changeable for a bigger 2.5" SATA HDD, You can install Linux on it if your a geek (PS3 Phat only)
- Has less AAA games, Controllers are small and feel cheap (except for DS3), online is glitchy, PSN downloads take ages, console is too expensive, PS3 Slim looks dull and boring, Glossy Grill-like console stands out too much and looks unpresentable, console is too large.
Just for let everyone know: To make the 360's features more similar to the ps3's, you'll need to buy a wireless adapter, a hard drive, and maybe the hd-dvd add-on. Assuming you go the cheap route and buy the arcade, that easily makes it the same price if not more than the cost of a new ps3.
Games are the only thing I will base a console off of.

Xbox 360:

Good: Great selection of unique and original games.
Bad: A countless selection of crappy games that are rip offs of a great game.
Great Games: Beautiful Katamari, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Prey, Fable 2, Lost Odyssey, Crackdown, Assassin's Creed, Amped 3 and Shadow Complex.
Upcoming:Alan Wake, Fable 3, Final Fantasy 13.


Good: Some amazing exclusive games.
Bad: Not that many great games. Too many half-decent games, not enough great games.
Great Games: Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted 2, Resistance 1/2.
Upcoming: HEAVY RAIN!!!

Good: A small selection of great games.
Bad: Shovelware, and crappy make-a-quick-dollar game.
Great Games: Twilight Princess, Brawl, Super Paper Mario, Madworld.
Upcoming: The Other M, New Zelda.

Good: Can play just about every game, ever.
Bad: Updates, Bugs, Hackers, Viruses, Bots.
Great Games: Too Lazy to list.
Upcoming: Too lazy to list.

IMO: Xbox 360 and PS3 are at a tie. They both have some great games, and some sick upcoming ones.
PC is awesome if you don't ind having to bu a new computer every 3 years.
Comparing games isn't really fact-based, though.

Obviously, for the individual, it is, but the fact remains is that it's still opinion-based.

For instance, I think two best game for the PS2 ever was Wipeout Fusion and FFX; also, I think one of the best games for the PS3 (that I've played so far ) is Soul Calibur 4.
Soul Calibur 4 is amazing.

I should buy it for my Xbox 360. I rented it a while ago for a month, but then my mom's boyfriend returned it for a fishing game :wtf:
Lame sports games FTL.

I never understood why people like fishing games. It's boring enough to actually fish, why emulate it?!

Which just illustrates my earlier point - comparing titles between consoles rather fails, as each person has their own tastes. I don't do sports games at all (fishing, baseball, basketball, wrestling, boxing, etc.)
All 3 have their good and bad imo. I usually go through small phases where every 2-3 weeks I'll switch consoles and I'll usually only focus on one specific system (excluding handhelds and PC which I usually play at any time) minus some exceptions. Its actually good because I get to see the pros and cons of each individual console. Downside is that sometimes I leave some games uncompleted until I get back to playing that console, or I remember that specific game and make time for it.

Also, @ JD: You almost have enough posts in this thread to make up an entire page. :lol:
Meh, If you have one there is no need to buy another, all three have good games, despite what youtube comments tell us, most of the titles are = and not "BETTERERERERER ON XBX$^)!"