Next project?


Frequent Poster
I loved doing that on Pspiso.
anyway now that I have your attention.
I need help deciding a new project.
Should I stick with making more backlit DMG's?
make a wii laptop?
Cry in the corner asking myself "Why am I not like SS "
make some sorta portable?
please leave suggestions :awesome:

Re: Why I think Modretro sucks.

Id personally join forces with me to make some tight ass DMGs. I could paint the cases and you could led mod them. Then we could make MONEIZ!
Re: Why I think Modretro sucks.

let's make more money than SS has made n64 portables.
Nvm SS has made too many.
Re: Why I think Modretro sucks.

You had me scared for a second, Bo...

Make a portable. Seriouslly.

It's a ton of fun! And profitable...

...speaking of which, our deal's still on. I just need to fix one last thing than it's in the mail!
Re: Why I think Modretro sucks.

Joeyjoe9876 said:
TW im doing a saturn remember :gonk:

I haven't forgotten. If you can manage it, I'd worship you, too. ;D

Heck, make ANY kind of a Saturn portable and you'd get massive respect from me.
Re: Why I think Modretro sucks.

Basement_Modder said:
You had me scared for a second, Bo...

Make a portable. Seriouslly.

It's a ton of fun! And profitable...

...speaking of which, our deal's still on. I just need to fix one last thing than it's in the mail!

I couldn't leave you or the quad64 or your awesomeistic workshop garage thing.
Also can't wait to play me some quad64.

Tell me what consoles you have and I'll tell you what to do. :awesome:

Also, when I was your age(in portablizing years, of course) I cried in the corner asking myself why am I not as good as marshallh or...some other great n64 portablizer. Then I realized more time crying meant less time soldering. Then I built 11 n64ps. Then I met your motherPalmerTech and we gave birth to MR. Then I AM LEGEND.

I am at a point now where I have realized 2 things:

1. I have the ability to do great casework when I try.

2. I am able to solder really fast and make really fast, crappy, SS's 8th N64p style portables.

My only choice now is which route to take...