Netbook accessories?


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Since I showed my mother a netbook in a store she has really wanted one, she didn't know a computer even existed. And now she wants one for work. And believe it or not fr her computer it will actually be a step up. Here's he current computer specs.

single core cpu at 1ghz
712mb ram
cd drive(no dvd)
40gb hdd

The tower is twice the size of a normal tower and it only has 2 usb ports.

Anyway she doesn't know everything about netbooks so she is having me do the shopping.

So far I've got the asus 901 setup (It's got a 12gb sdd which makes it fast. And she only uses it for internet and microsoft office so she actually has plenty of space)
Here;s the list for the shopping.
asus 901
16gb sd card
mini mouse
external dvd drive

Anyway, that's what I have so far, I know the memory space isn't much but that's all she needs. I've read the reviews and after xp is installed you have 4gbs left, but mostly the sd card is what the main memory will be.

So here's the main question, am I forgetting anything, or are there some accessories you would recommend for purchasing this?
a carrying case! :thumb:
a cable. (no idea what for, just felt like typing it :pervert: )
maybe an extra battery? :huh:

why not a 32 gb sd card?
With any laptop, I always get a second power cord. If the first shorts/ breaks/ gets left behind, I always have the second one in the laptop bag. Oh-and get a laptop bag. They're cheap and cool and cheap. And did I mention cheap? Who doesn't like cheap? :mrgreen:
grossaffe said:
Bluetooth? USB HDD?
Already has bluetooth, and the sd card is for backing up and saving and it's already bigger than the internal hdd. (And I mentioned a lot that she won't need that much space.

samjc3 said:
a carrying case! :thumb:
a cable. (no idea what for, just felt like typing it :pervert: )
maybe an extra battery? :huh:

why not a 32 gb sd card?
16gb sd card is $30 for high quality, 32 is $100, and I'm not going for a cheapo class 2.

I guess from what I can tell is get a case but se just wanted to use her purse since it fits, but I guess if I can find a nice one, it's better than getting the power cord and mouse tangles with pens and other purse things.
I have an Eee 901 with 20GB of SSD storage.

Just so you know, it has two SSD's (same with the other one you talked about). It has one small 4GB SSD that is very fast, and one slower big one (yours is an 8GB). The small one should hold Windows XP, and the bigger one should hold your documents. It already has bluetooth. There is ample space inside the RAM cover to fit a big USB flash drive which you could solder in, or even install an HDD. There is an SD cart slot anyway.

The Eee 901 comes with a case.

If I were you, I'd install solar panels on the lid so it can be charged in the sun. I'm working on mine!
Bibin said:
I have an Eee 901 with 20GB of SSD storage.

Just so you know, it has two SSD's (same with the other one you talked about). It has one small 4GB SSD that is very fast, and one slower big one (yours is an 8GB). The small one should hold Windows XP, and the bigger one should hold your documents. It already has bluetooth. There is ample space inside the RAM cover to fit a big USB flash drive which you could solder in, or even install an HDD. There is an SD cart slot anyway.

The Eee 901 comes with a case.

If I were you, I'd install solar panels on the lid so it can be charged in the sun. I'm working on mine!

That would be awesome if it worked! I should do that to my old iBook. :awesome:
Basement_Modder said:
Bibin said:
I have an Eee 901 with 20GB of SSD storage.

Just so you know, it has two SSD's (same with the other one you talked about). It has one small 4GB SSD that is very fast, and one slower big one (yours is an 8GB). The small one should hold Windows XP, and the bigger one should hold your documents. It already has bluetooth. There is ample space inside the RAM cover to fit a big USB flash drive which you could solder in, or even install an HDD. There is an SD cart slot anyway.

The Eee 901 comes with a case.

If I were you, I'd install solar panels on the lid so it can be charged in the sun. I'm working on mine!

That would be awesome if it worked! I should do that to my old iBook. :awesome:

Sad to say, the power requirements of the ibook (20+ volts) will be hard to even trickle charge. The eee 901 only needs 12V, so 4 3V 100mA panels in series should be able to slowly charge it.
The Netbook is that Mini laptop, right? I saw one at Costco today and though "why not get this instead of a Pandora?" But only 700 megs of ram? Cowpoop!

Anyway, wireless headphones are always a nice accessory.
J.D said:
The Netbook is that Mini laptop, right? I saw one at Costco today and though "why not get this instead of a Pandora?" But only 700 megs of ram? Cowpoop!

Anyway, wireless headphones are always a nice accessory.
they're nice and small, but not exactly handheld with convenient built-in controls like the Pandora. Though I suppose a creative modder COULD build in controls :whistle:
I've got pretty much everything you have listed there, The 12gb 901, 16gb class 6 sdhc card (Transcend), usb dvd drive (La'cie), case logic HDC-1 (Very handy for travelling). Just be careful, you can get very carried away buying things for it :lol2:

Don't worry about the power cable, That thing is very strong The amount of times I've got up and caught it I thought I would of snapped the power connector on the eee!

Extra battery, No need.

The only other thing I could recommend would be a small tray such as a tea tray to have it on your lap on. The fan grill is very easy to cover up! (Oh and a skin for it, are great quality and have loads of designs)