Nes in a gameboy


Crazy Train
Ok, so technically it's a famicom...


No, the screen isn't completely held in with hot glue. It is now held in firmly with gobs of JB Weld.




:shock: Awesome! Are the internal parts NES or a Famicom? I take it that you used a Japan slot for physical space?
It's a superjoy 3 noac. It had the cartridge slot on it to begin with and since the nes 72 pin connector is as big as the gameboy itself, I just left it famicom.
Oh yeah. I had one of those Playstations. It was almost identical to the one in your video, may have to track one down for nostalgic purposes. Get a proper 2A03/2A07 or emulator and I'll be impressed :dah: .
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I love this sort of stuff. I love seeing what systems you can fit into a 1989 gameboy shell. Awesome project! Perfect use of a superjoy pcb.
What? I'm an NES audiophile. :dah: indicates a joke.
Anyway, great job indeed.
thanks, guys. I have another 2.5' screen so I think maybe I'll see if I can fit a yobo or r.e.s. noac in a gameboy.
dude, this is so awesome :) nice work
i love how you used gameboy shell to case a nes :) super retrospecting.

will you do a SNES in a similar way like here but in a Gameboy color case?

cause that would be raid too :awesome:
It's nice to see portables like this, reminds me of the good old days before every other portable was either N64 or a GC.

Nice work!

Well SS approves, so I guess I did good.

As for a snes clone in a gameboy color, it wouldn't fit. Triton over on Benheck has been working on putting an fc twin in an original gameboy case on and off for a few years, but the case needed widened. He actually commented on it on facebook and told me it reminded him to get to work on it again. :lol:
themadhacker said:
Well SS approves, so I guess I did good.

As for a snes clone in a gameboy color, it wouldn't fit. Triton over on Benheck has been working on putting an fc twin in an original gameboy case on and off for a few years, but the case needed widened. He actually commented on it on facebook and told me it reminded him to get to work on it again. :lol:

Ishmael was working on a SNES in a GB too.
themadhacker said:
Well SS approves, so I guess I did good.

As for a snes clone in a gameboy color, it wouldn't fit. Triton over on Benheck has been working on putting an fc twin in an original gameboy case on and off for a few years, but the case needed widened. He actually commented on it on facebook and told me it reminded him to get to work on it again. :lol:

The GBOsnes case was widened to fit the SNES carts completely inside the case. There was the SNESboy that managed to fit in the SNES Mini with hardly any case alteration (not even any Y X buttons, which I always thought was strange).

Anyway good job on this, both in craftsmanship, and it reminds me of the NESBoy that Gabe-Force made so long ago. Plus, anything that gets TritJohn back into making something is a bonus in my book. I got him pretty good at an MGC past when he was showing it to someone. "Wait until next year when it looks exactly the same" :dahroll:
wallydawg said:
themadhacker said:
As for a snes clone in a gameboy color, it wouldn't fit. Triton over on Benheck has been working on putting an fc twin in an original gameboy case on and off for a few years, but the case needed widened.

I'm a bit skepitcual on that option :neutral2: .

i mean, themadhacker has managed to fit a nes clone into a GB case. sure it was a small unit, smaller than the original nes like he showed us in his video, but think about the gbc and snes for a moment:

the snes is an upgraded nes with 16bit graphics and allows for much more powerful games with better graphics and advanced capbitlties that exceed far the 8bit nes.

the GBC is an upgraded GB with color enhancement that allows for GB or gbc games to use color much like the first TV's that had produced color,

ex. take a gb game, on a gb, it is mono color, grey or black.

on the gbc it has color, or a gbc game like zelda Oricale of Ages/seaons, which use alots of color.

the snes/gbc are advanced systems that are the super versions of the nes/gb,
what themadhacker showed us here is that a nes/gb case can combine to create a nesgb.

maybe it is "possible" for a SNESGBC system if a good snes clone small size is used and some trimming done to the gbc case or something wicked not thought of yet?

i believe it's possible, if it's not made yet, then the possibility hasn't arrived yet.
You do know that because something is 'color' has absolutely no bearing on the size of the motherboard? My ipod touch can do 3D acceleration and play GTAIII, but it's a whole ton smaller than the NES ever was, the SNES contains some NES hardware for backwards compatablity and the likes so no matter what clones turn up, their probably gonna be a bit bigger than any NES clone.

You can fit a SNES clone in a GBO without widening, but you pretty much need a cartridge port for a SNESp because of the lack of availability of a SNES clone with built-in games.

There is also the issue of SNES clones not being 100% with regards to playing all games.
Gamerlolwind said:
wallydawg said:
themadhacker said:
As for a snes clone in a gameboy color, it wouldn't fit. Triton over on Benheck has been working on putting an fc twin in an original gameboy case on and off for a few years, but the case needed widened.

I'm a bit skepitcual on that option :neutral2: .

i mean, themadhacker has managed to fit a nes clone into a GB case. sure it was a small unit, smaller than the original nes like he showed us in his video, but think about the gbc and snes for a moment:

the snes is an upgraded nes with 16bit graphics and allows for much more powerful games with better graphics and advanced capbitlties that exceed far the 8bit nes.

the GBC is an upgraded GB with color enhancement that allows for GB or gbc games to use color much like the first TV's that had produced color,

ex. take a gb game, on a gb, it is mono color, grey or black.

on the gbc it has color, or a gbc game like zelda Oricale of Ages/seaons, which use alots of color.

the snes/gbc are advanced systems that are the super versions of the nes/gb,
what themadhacker showed us here is that a nes/gb case can combine to create a nesgb.

maybe it is "possible" for a SNESGBC system if a good snes clone small size is used and some trimming done to the gbc case or something wicked not thought of yet?

i believe it's possible, if it's not made yet, then the possibility hasn't arrived yet.


Oh, and it's funny somebody mentioned g-force, as his stuff is where I got the idea, though his played american games.