wallydawg said:
themadhacker said:
As for a snes clone in a gameboy color, it wouldn't fit. Triton over on Benheck has been working on putting an fc twin in an original gameboy case on and off for a few years, but the case needed widened.
I'm a bit skepitcual on that option
i mean, themadhacker has managed to fit a nes clone into a GB case. sure it was a small unit, smaller than the original nes like he showed us in his video, but think about the gbc and snes for a moment:
the snes is an upgraded nes with 16bit graphics and allows for much more powerful games with better graphics and advanced capbitlties that exceed far the 8bit nes.
the GBC is an upgraded GB with color enhancement that allows for GB or gbc games to use color much like the first TV's that had produced color,
ex. take a gb game, on a gb, it is mono color, grey or black.
on the gbc it has color, or a gbc game like zelda Oricale of Ages/seaons, which use alots of color.
the snes/gbc are advanced systems that are the super versions of the nes/gb,
what themadhacker showed us here is that a nes/gb case can combine to create a nesgb.
maybe it is "possible" for a SNESGBC system if a good snes clone small size is used and some trimming done to the gbc case or something wicked not thought of yet?
i believe it's possible, if it's not made yet, then the possibility hasn't arrived yet.