Need Advice for a GCP


Hey there :) I`m new around here (and a complete noobie about modding) and wanted to ask for some advices before I decide to make a GCP.

Actually, the very first reason registered is because fell in love of the idea of havng a portable gamecube everywhere :p
I saw many projects on youtube and I want to ask some things:

.First of all, I was thinking of using a PSP display and batery in order to get a high definition and a rechargable power source, so the question is, should I use this two?

.Second, is it posible to build it a headphone port besides of the speaker?

.And at last but not least, how ergonomical can a GCP be? i want to know cause i want mine to be as close to the original controler as posible (including button position)

well, I guess that should be it (hope im not breakng any rule though n.n)
ohh, and a secondary question... If i were eager to make two GCP, is there any way that i connect these two?

thanks all of you beforehand :)
Well first you can't use a psp screen, it's not capable of having composite or hd input, and it's not an hd screen anyway. Other than that, some form of battery is what is commonly used in portables.

Yes you can use just a headphone jack instead of speakers, all headphones really are are smaller speakers anyway.

Ergonomic just depends on how well you make the portable itself, how close to the original is just how well you do in replicating it.

hope that answers your questions.
well, at least i know i cannot use those psp parts n.n
I wanted to use those cause a friend wants to sell them to me at 10 bucks for both.
thx for replying :)
If you are a noobie at modding, you are MOST DEFIANTLY gonna have problems making the GCp.If you are a newb in electronics, however, your project will end up in frustration and waste of money.
My point?Since this is your portable project, I recommend you go with the N64, or the NES. They are apparently MUCH easier to work with, and more newb friendly. :p If you have the dedication and maybe a little skill, however I think ANYONE can pull off a pretty decent portable.
Anyways, welcome to the forums!
I`ve heard stories of guys making their very first portable (a GCp) as noobies, so i think that if they could, i can :) got a lot of dedication to electronics, however i lack of experience n.nU

I`ll consider your tip, thx 4 your reply :)
I built a gcp with absolutely no experience. However, I spent a lot more money and time than it should have taken. It isn't recommended, but it is possible.
N64s are not easier to work with actually, a lot more wires for the cartridge slot and n64s are very sensitive to frying, my recommendation, you can start with this project, but save an extra $100 just in case.
My first (and only so far) portable is a GCp. As long as you look ahead and plan everything out it shouldn't be terribly difficult.

My GCp was my first modding project and is nearly finished. So far I have spent roughly $100 on it without batteries. Batteries foe a portable never end up the size if the psp battery pack. they are roughly 3x the size. is really good if you live in the states.

Also, you can keep the controller 90% intact as long as the screen is positioned above the controller.

A REALLY good way to start with portables is to look at how other people do it in their logs. In my opinion, kasar's GCp guide is incredible! It helped me so much when starting mine.

Hope your portable works out :)