Need a video converter (mp4->avi)


PMP won't play mp4s :stare: I have three movies that I need to convert. Looking for something freeeeeee and simple.
Need a video converter (mp4->avi)

jleemero said:
I can attest to this. It is the one program I use that is deserving of the name "Super".

Although I guess it has a learning curve, it's not rocket science. You could figure it out no problem, bud. For the less inclined, there are straightforward tutorials online.
Diminuendo said:
quicktime pro is pretty great


I use SUPER for my video converting needs, it's flexible and once you get the hang of it pretty nice to use. I've heard good things about Handbrake but never used it myself. If you're feeling really 1337, I think you can do it with FFmpeg from the command line.
I would use some of the more complex programs, but computer software is one more weaker areas. Anyvideoconverter worked quite well and was extremely simple.
Anyvideoconverter is really simple and nice for a quick job done.

Super though is really good if you need something specific.
I agree with Jelly, but I often use Vegas because it has a wider range of formats. (Never used Super, so I can't attest to that)
Need a video converter (mp4->avi)


No. Zamzar is terrible. The compression is awful and it takes forever.
Freemake Video Converter has a lot of output options and is pretty easy to use.