N64 Replacement Labels?


I put the BRO in brony!
So I got a copy of Ocarina of Time for $2 at a flea market. Unfortunately, the cart had been previously owned by Blockbuster. Attempting to remove all of the Blockbuster crap has left me with this:

Yeah. So I looked around online and the best I could find for a replacement label was THIS. My shoop skills are non-existent, so I was wondering if anyone knew of a database of some sort, or could point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance.

I worked on the back of the cart a little. You can't even imagine what it was like. It will still need work.
I'd try using a better quality printer tbh. Take it to Kinko's or something and see if you can get it printed out there. They might turn you down for some copyright BS, but if that's the case just go somewhere else till you find a place that will do it.