Hi, I've rellocated the cardslot on a nintendo 64 a while ago . it was fully working before but after my first cartridge slot rellocation it didn't work . My rellocation was pretty bad there were wires that were touching eadch other (it was my first rellocation ever and i used ethernet wires (they are pretty hard) ) anyway now i've got more experience i relocated cartridges on other n64 and it worked good. I redone my cartridge rellocation on my "failed" n64 and it still doesn't work . I am pretty sure that there is no short . Someone told me that i might have blown up the rcp chip but it doesn't even get hot. There is the chip just above the jumper\expansion pack slot that get a little hot thought . Now the question is : Can this be fixed or i must say goodbye to this old friend and let it go to a better world ?