N64 charge switch


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
I've seen this diagram and was wondering how to make it so that when the DPDT switch is in the middle, its off. When its to the right its charging, and when its to the left, Not charging but running off batteries. Thanks,

No, it's still a DPDT switch you are looking for. It would be a DPDT on-off-on. That means there's a position in the center that doesn't connect to either side.
Okay thanks would this work?

- mymixed

EDIT: I'm testing out the circuit right now. Has any one ever had problems connecting to the protection circuit? When I connect my multimeter to p+ and p- I get 0v. But when I connect it to P+ and B- I get 7.2v. Any help would be :awesome:.

EDIT^2: I guess the protection circuit was in sleep mode or something. It works again!
That diagram you posted wouldn't do flax. The switch doesn't connect pins that are side to side.

With the first diagram (SS's), you can just charge it when its off. Use that.
Ok thanks. I'll try and get it working.
EDIT: It works! I Just used a 2 way DPDT switch:

- mymixed