N00b question, prepare to facepalm

Could you, in theory, rip out the GC's effing disc drive and replace it... like, find some other console or whatever and use that?
I know it would be hard because the GC is a DVD drive and PS1 and a whole bunch of other crap is CD... but could it be done?
that stupid thing is driving me INSANE. it's so FRIGGIN' HUGE.
Yeah, I told you, faceplam away.
Electricrain over at Benheck.com is trying it at the moment, but haven't seen any progress from him in a while.
The only other thing that willl work is the wii disk drive, and it can be pretty small if you remove all the unnecessary stuff, palmers done it but hasn't shared the details yet.
bentomo said:
The only other thing that willl work is the wii disk drive, and it can be pretty small if you remove all the unnecessary stuff, palmers done it but hasn't shared the details yet.
He didn't just use the wii disk drive in replacement of the gamecube one, did he? I thought he was modding a whole wii and slimming down it's disk drive.
okay for one thing, electricrain has quit for now.

Another thing, the wii disk drive is NOT needed.

If you want a small portable gamecube do this:

- slim the mobo
- make it portrait