My First Portable: GCPod [5/6/13]

Re: My First Portable: GCPod [4/30/13]

Wanted to add something. A view with thing fully closed showing the power switch
Question: ... ridge-Kit/ ... -Tube-Kit/

I tested this patching up a small corner of my case, and I'm getting some peeling, how do you guys clean the surface to prevent this? On the same site I saw these ... an-quart-/ ... ller-Prep/

Do I need any of these? Or can I clean it with something commonly found at home and get away with it?
I do not mind at all buying anything if it will only make the filler hold better.

EDIT: apparently sanding the surface gets it clean enough.
Minor update, I got a megadrive from mega, but I'll use it for a portable that will need it more for compactness
And here is some wireporn I will use for this portable
This ain't dead, I have been working to save up for a new thing and a new place to work with it in, I will post pics as I build it.

I put the project on hold for things case-related and will update soon.
Re: Re: My First Portable: GCPod [5/6/13]

Or can I clean it with something commonly found at home and get away with it?

EDIT: apparently sanding the surface gets it clean enough.

I typically clean everything a just finished sanding or before and filler or epoxy touches anything I'm working on with warm water and Dawn dish soap. You just have to make sure it's dry before you do anything epoxy, filler, painting, or priming.