My First Portable 64 : Purple Haze 64


Hello Lovely Folk, :tophat:

Today i am showcasing my first finished Portable Nintendo 64 : the Purple Haze 64.(Pics Below)
alot of time and effort went into this first project and even tho his looks are meh,
i am still very proud of it.

I never been much of a electronics person.. more building PC's and such.
I am amazed about how much i learned in the process of these 3 years from this forum/books/Google.

My Next Project will probably be another N64P but Smaller and Prettier :awesome: or a GameCube Portable.
I will also start keeping up a worklog here for my next project as i really regret sharing this build with the community/forum.

Now for the specs !
The Purple Haze 64
Length : 13 CM 5.1"
Width : 23 CM 9.1"
Height : 6.5 CM 2.6"
Weight : 900 Gram 31oz

GameBoy Advance Carry Case
PS One Screen and speakers unmodded
W78 3.3V regulator
2x BP-915 2200Mah playtime of 2 hours.
Build-in Charger
Makopad 64 Controller
JumperPack/controller pack
expansion pack stopped working will be added later.
More info and looks in the Youtube video below.

now for the goodstuff Pics and a showcase video !


Feel free to criticize or share any tips or tricks for my next Portable 64/GC
Thank you all for your help and sharing all this great information on this forum allowing me as electronics noob to archieve this !

Kind Regards,
Cool portable. looks nice
I would try this myself but the cartridge slot relocation is scaring me away
well i used really flexible wire and quite long actually to make it all the way to the Jumperpack slot and then bend it on the shield.
i was afraid myself that the wires would be to long but it turned out to be working great :)

i suggest to first just cut/trim/tin the wires and use flexible ones.
on my previous attempt i used Cat5 cable but this wasn't flexible enough imo.
and just put a dot of solder on the connection points on the nintendo board.

besides that there are alot of guides here you can follow !
i didn't know anything about electronics before i made this.
i like this , its cool looking also where did you get that case man and i would recommend to somehow make a cover for the back of the case where the mother board is showhing
Yeah i know its guts are really showing :P
i still have a piece of purple plastic laying around somewhere of the same case which i was planning to use, but i kinda lost it.
i will however use that to fill that up once i find it lol.

as for where i got the case it actually was my lil sister's gameboy carrycase when she was younger. i guess it was bought around the GBA's prime time so i have no idea where you could still get one...

you could try ebay but they are not cheap, i was just lucky to have one :)