Alright, a little back story first: I brought a GOAC with me to MRTN. It was given to me by T-Berg a while back and I had no idea whether it worked or not when I threw it in my bag. When I got there everyone wanted to build a portable together and somehow we decided on a Gennyp. Ashen spent the time doing the pinouts and general wiring, and I was the case maker. We were originally going to have a cart slot, but the board was a Playstation and didn't like the fact that Ashen rewired the slot close to ten times. He even went as far as to remove the rom chip trying to get it to work. BAMF Ashen popped several traces. "LOL I'll just hardwire it back on." Like I said, BAMF. On the last day something awful happened. The batteries we were planning to use vanished. We have absolutely no clue what happened to them. It's like they just dissolved into thin air. We didn't get it done while we were there, but I'm only a few steps away from finishing it.
I'm waiting on some tacts and a power jack to come in the mail, then I need to find some decent batteries that'll fit.
The case was a bit of a Sega when I was in TN, but when I got home I showed it who's boss.
I packed everything tight onto the GOAC so there'd be maximum room for batteries. Looks messy, but it all works
This one's going to be super thin when it's all closed up.
I'm waiting on some tacts and a power jack to come in the mail, then I need to find some decent batteries that'll fit.

The case was a bit of a Sega when I was in TN, but when I got home I showed it who's boss.


I packed everything tight onto the GOAC so there'd be maximum room for batteries. Looks messy, but it all works

This one's going to be super thin when it's all closed up.