I can hang out and do fun things with my normal friends. I can't portablize with my normal friends.

What do you mean, "you people"?

But yeah, I say all portablizing all the time. :dah:
Yeah, but it's not like I'm packing parts and I doubt I'll be leaving with any.

And you've kind of insinuated that all we are gonna do is work on portables.

goddaymut SS, what's a ModRetro gathering without some mutha*Can'tSayThisOnTV*in portabilizin/moddin?

Like Beta says, we can all "hang out" with regular friends. But,most of my friends look at me funny when I talk about putting a PS2 into a Dell laptop. "Why not just run a PS2 emulator on the Dell laptop?" FFFFUUUU-

(True quote.)

So liek... watch everyone else portablize/mod/whatever.

Now watch, my wife'll veto this whole idea and I end up not going after all LOL
SS. You and I, we need to make a portable together. It needs to happen. Now is that time.
ShockSlayer said:
βeta said:
DJ711 said:
βeta said:
We could assembly line some portables.
Like we tried doing at Bo's? Then again we'd have more time.

Right, only with MATERIALS, and TOOLS, and ABILITY, and SPACE, and ORGANIZATION.

Those things are important.

Bo brings the MATERIALS, Dj brings the TOOLS, I bring the ABILITY, Beta brings the SPACE, and we'll all bring a little ORGASMIZATION.

I can RCP , So I think SS and I should both bring the skills/Ability.
I wanna go, I really do. I just don't want to work the whole Dang time. If you want to make a portable with me, then we can. It won't take us but a few hours to do so, trust me. But I'm not about to spend upwards of $300 just to work on your portable for you.

I would, however, spend upwards of $300 to have some fun times with my internet buddies. Portablizing isn't a super fun activity for you once you've done it over 20 times.

ShockSlayer said:
I wanna go, I really do. I just don't want to work the whole Dang time. If you want to make a portable with me, then we can. It won't take us but a few hours to do so, trust me. But I'm not about to spend upwards of $300 just to work on your portable for you.

I would, however, spend upwards of $300 to have some fun times with my internet buddies. Portablizing isn't a super fun activity for you once you've done it over 20 times.

Let's go to the movies,lasertag,pizza place , mall and some other places.
That is 1 day worth of stuff.