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What motherboard should I get that is compatible with radeon 5770 and supports ddr3? I want to upgrade the specs on my comp to increase performance and play the latest games at a decent graphics level. The radeon 5770 1 gb seems to be pretty decent and I think 2 gb ddr3 should suffice for now. What I'm clueless about is the motherboard. Some suggestions please.
Is it normal to have this much of an influx of spambots?

I must say though, If it wasn't for the wrong forum, it did pretty well.

I'm assuming this is a spambot.. :ninj:
I don't think this is a bot, Antome.

And genkholi, the ram sounds find. There aren't many games that need more than that. Also, the card sounds like it should satisfy a most recent games.
I think he's either a bot or he's just really retarded and put this in the SNES section.
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